
How do you do a girls birthday party, but invite boys?

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my little sister is turning 4, and my mom wants to do a tinkerbell birthday party for her because she is IN LOVE with tinkerbell at the moment..

but here is our problem, she is the only girl.. everyone else is boys... all her cousins are boys, and all the other kids they know are boys..besides my daugher which is only 6 months... so,

how do we do this? I am sure the boys won't like tinkerbell, so we thought about just doing my sister as tinkerbell, and do all the boys as peter pan, or captin hook.. but do we do decorations like tinkerbell or captin hook, were can we get peterpan/captin hook decorations we've looked everywhere for it! any suggestions?




  1. you plan sounds great. if you have a 'party pleasures' place near you,thats where you should go or at some disney place.the party sounds so cute,good luck!

  2. Go with tinkerbell and get a few pirate themed items.  Try or

  3. Your sister can feel like a true princess.  She can be Tink, and the boys can be Lost Boys or Pirates.    Fairy dust, treasure (jewelry to the birthday girl, treasure to the boys);  scavenger hunt for the kids;

    The decorations can be a mixture of Pirates and Fairies.  It doesn't have to be Disney merchandise.  Most party stores have fairy or pirate merch right now.   Beaded necklaces (like the kind thrown out at mardi gras); plastic rings, 'gold' coins; treasure chests;  you can made treasure maps.

    Have the cake decorated like a fairy/tinkerbell.... or maybe cupcakes - some like fairies, some like pirates.

    The kids will have fun no matter what... as long as there is cake!

  4. here's some tinkerbell stuff;

    you could possibly just tell the boys to dress as pirates. i'm sure their parents can find things around the house to dress them up.

    the boys probably wont even notice that peter pan isn't on the decorations.

  5. welldo wat u said but make ur own print of of the web

  6. Got it -- we just did something similar.  

    Tinkerbell is from Peter Pan.  And the bad guys in Peter Pan are pirates!  So, the boys can be pirates (which every boy loves), and the girls can do all the tinkerbell stuff they want!

    We had gold coins and pirate tatoos and treasure maps for the boys in the family.  They even went outdoors for a scavenger hunt with clues.  It was really fun.

    If you want to use the idea, try looking at the Family Fun website.  They have lots of great things on Pirate parties.

    Good luck, and happy birthday to your little sister!

  7. oh no. do the party how she wants it, do it all tinkerbell. but this is what you do..(i have 2 boys and 2 girls) just make sure you make up goody bags to bring home that have boy prizes in them. make sure there is some candy and what not in the bags too. and kids are so excited about the party they dont care about the decorations, its that cake, the games, or the prizes they care about, decorate how your sister wants it, its her party.

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