
How do you do a handstand??

by  |  earlier

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I can't even get into one! lol i need to know how to get into and stay in one and how long does it take to get it right?? btw: i dont have strong arms...does that make a difference??

thanks! ;)




  1. When I was a kid, we learnt by standing about 50cm to a metre away from a wall and vigourously throwing your head and arms on the ground and kicking your legs up at the same time.

    You have to have the momentum, and you have to remember not to look at the floor, keep your head in line with the front of your body. I have no upper body strength but can still prod buttock at handstands, it's more getting the knack in the first place. :)

  2. Place hands on floor then push with feet till they're over your head.

  3. One word: practice.

    Try doing your handstand against a wall. If you don't have enough power to kick up, don't worry. It will come with time. Start far enough away from the wall that your not right against it, but you can use it if you start to fall. The key to holding a handstand, other than finding your center of balance, is using your fingers. Use your fingertips, bending your fingers so that you are 'gripping' the floor. Trust me, this makes a BIG difference. It will probably be easier if your arms are stronger so try push ups or chin ups to improve your strength.

    Hope this helps :)

  4. Practice up against a wall first, it will help you get used to doing it upside down.

    What I have my beginner girls do for their first handstands is to stand with their feet up against the wall, back to the wall. Bend over and put your hands on the floor, and walk your feet up the wall until you reach handstand position. It gives you the feel of a handstand without having to throw your legs into the air, sort of like a slow-mo handstand, I suppose.

    You'll need to strengthen your arms, but the handstands themselves will do that, so don't worry too much on it.

    Here's a website I recommend for learning handstands:

    Good luck!

  5. you can practice doing a handstand on a wall then when you think that u dont need a wall anymore try it on the floor and rememberto squeeze your butt cuz it help you to hold it

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