
How do you do a one handed handstand?

by  |  earlier

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i can do a regular handstand for like 5 seconds and ive been trying to do a ne handed handstand but i cant hold it for more than a second. are there any tips anyone would like to give me?




  1. We can't help you. If I told you how to do a backflip you couldn't do it if i just said it.

  2. Well all i could say to do is keep practicing your balance! It took me a while to do a 1 handed handstand, but just keep trying and you'll become better and better!

  3. as with most tricks it's usually a case of letting go of your fear of failing.

    I managed to learn this trick by myself just by  trying and failing  a few times.

    the great trick is to swing your body as you would a regular handstand BUT instead of putting two hands to the floor,one on each side, one hand goes in the middle of your legs.  From there on it's just the rule of practice makes perfect...

  4. Learn to do a regular handstand longer first. You haven't developed a good enough balance system yet. Five seconds isn't long enough. And for me practice, practice, practice was all I did to get my handstands to beyond fifteen seconds.

  5. with 1 hand?

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