
How do you do a triple pirroette?

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How do you do a triple pirroette?




  1. First, Start with your legs apart.

    Next, Take a step with your left foot, and bend your knees.

    Then, You push off your right foot and spin on your left foot.

    You might have already knew this part...

    To do a really good triple...

    Make sure your left leg is REALLY STRAIGHT when you turn.

    Make sure you are Spotting. This REALLY helps to keep you going.

    Keep your shoulders down, chin up.

    Push off the floor with a lot of energy with your right foot at the beginning.

    I hope this helps!!! =D

  2. it's like a single or a double, only one more time around so i would try to do those first before trying a triple...the girl who answered first did a good job of explaining what to do just remember spot, shoulders down, and use your arms!

  3. Two of the most important elements of a triple pirroette is your "spot" and your balance.  

    Before beginning your pirroette, look at yourself in the mirror and think about your position.  I have a mental check list in my mind that I go over before I start my turn.  It almost never fails me!  

    1.  Is my back straight?

    2.  Are my arms not too far behind me?

    3.  Are my legs in plie?

    4.  Is my stomach in?


    Now, after all this is in place.  Just go for it.  You won't get it perfect the first time... but don't stop trying.  Just remember that mental check list and you will do great.

    I hope this helps you.  Keep up the good work!!!

  4. 2 do a triple u have 2 be able 2 hold passe 4 the amount of time it would take 2 turn

    when u go up u need 2 scoop up with ur toes, replace ur arch with ur menetarsle

  5. you know what really helps with pirroette's is the turnaboard thing ( you can get it on I know its kind of cheating but it really helps you get the feel for multiple turns and you can really concentrate on where to hold your arms and stuff

  6. The first answer is the best but also make sure you stay on releve *rel-a-veh* (sp? whatever it is make sure your pointing the foot your standing on) make sure your other leg is raised high and your foot is connected to the curve of your knee...make sure you start with a good turned out position your back straight and your hips under...and spot...even if you don't hit a perfect triple make sure you stick your landing the judges (or whoever) willl like it better if you attempt it and mess up but stick your landing rather than just fall out of it because of bad form...

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