
How do you do an Ina Bauer????Figure skating?

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I know what an Ina Bauer looks like,I just don't get how to do it! Can someone please explain how???

And I'm trying to do an outside spread eagle ,I glide backwards like I've just landed a Waltz jump,then I turn sidways and put my left foot in front of my right,I can only hold it for like less than half a second,I'm i going in to it wrong????





  1. Ok, first of all, make sure you train it correctly. I'm not joking when I say you can damage your hips and knees, permanently. It's not too common, but think about ballet. Turn out from the hips, and you should have good turnout for this move.

    You can have either leg in front, like a lunge, whatever is more comfortable for you. Try both ways because sometimes it's not what you'd expect. Now, whatever leg is in front, that's the direction you'll travel. Left means left, and right means move right.

    The front leg should turn towards the direction you'll move. In other words, it's facing away from your body. The leg should be bent, and the back straight (unless you bend backwards, more on that later...), and the back leg should be straight. The back boot can drag on the ice like a lunge, OR you can put the blade down. It'll always be tiled on an inside edge, always.

    The front leg can vary. You can be on either edge, or flat (both edges down at one, no curving). Some skaters will go straight but most usually curve. And you can switch it up as you move, but get it down first.

    About the backbend. I'd recommend getting it solid and practicing your balance first. This move will take some time to get, I could never get speed with it. But if you decide to bend back a little, remember to not replace your legs, they remain how they are.

    Good examples of the backbent bauer are Shizuka Arakawa, Yukina Ota, and Yuna Kim. All on youtube.

    Have fun skating!!

  2. Ah, one of my favorite elements - especially into an axel!  To do an Ina Bauer you must first be able to do an inside bauer.  The inside bauer is done with the pressure/weight on the front leg.  For an Ina Bauer, you must increase your speed a lot.  The best way to enter is from powerful back x-overs (right over left if you bauer with your left in front and left over right if you bauer with your right in front).  Step into the bauer by gliding backward on your x-ing over foot and then placing your weight equally on the other foot that foot will be facing forward.  

    The most important thing to remember is that you need a lot of power going into it, your weight should be equally distributed over both feet and your torso should be centered over your hips.  You can do a back arch eventually and then also turn it into an outside bauer by putting pressure on the outside edge of your front foot - it is the hardest bauer and always makes my back and feet cramp, but it is beautiful.

  3. see if you can do it off ice first cause if you can't do it off ice then its kinda hard to do it on ice right?

    maybe try just gliding into it instead of going into it after coming out of a waltz

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