
How do you do an axel for a lefty?

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  1. just watch a righty then pretend that's your mirror image. My coach is a righty and that's how i learned everything, but you really need a coach to teach you in case you do something wrong(because if you do you could really hurt yourself or end up messing your jump up and that takes years to undo)

  2. Start off by doing backwards crossovers. Make sure your arms are in place and aren't flying around.

    Glide backwards onto your left foot and extend your right leg at a 45 degree angle behind you.

    Bend your left knee about half of the way.

    Bring in your free the leg (the right leg) and bring in your arms toward your body.

    Step into your right leg and bend your right knee.

    Bring your left leg behind you and pull back your arms like you're about to throw something at the same time.

    Move your left leg forward in a swinging motion and at the same time, swing your arms in front and lift off the ice.

    Pull in your arms while you are going up into the air and rotate 1 1/2 revolutions.

    Pull arms out and land on your left leg and tilt head to the right.

    Glide for 5 counts on your left leg going backwards; you should be able to do this because of the force of the jump.

    But you should still get someone to really teach u

  3. The question is not so much "how do you do an axel for a lefty" but rather "how do you do a clockwise rotated axel?"

    Short of doing the mirror of whatever a counter-clockwise rotating jumper does, you might seek out a high-level ISI coach. Unlike the USFS testing system, the high level ISI tests require that you be able to jump in both directions. An ISI coach might actually be able to 1) demonstrate and 2) troubleshoot better than someone who is just trying to "think backwards."

    Barring that, get an actual mirror--a handheld one is fine (unbreakable please!)--and watch counter-clockwise jumpers doing axels in the mirror.

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