
How do you do an unprotected left turn?

by Guest33640  |  earlier

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i thought you are supposed to move forward slowly to the middle of the intersection and wait for your turn to turn...but my friend said someone got an automatic fail for that on their driving test. she said she just waited at the light until it was clear.

what should i do?? my test is tomorrow and i know there is an unprotected left turn :(




  1. My drivers ed teacher said you drive to the middle of the intersection,,, BUT keep your wheel straight until it is time to turn.  that is the correct way to do it, that teacher must of been smoking crack that failed your friend.  the reason you keep the wheel straight, is to avoid someone hitting you in the back and then you being pushed to the middle of the intersection. and If you do happen to get failed you can look it up in your handout for the  BMW or whatever it is called. it says you are aloud to do it how i just explained, oh and by the way i am not in drivers ed anymore, I passed my test for my license last year doing that about 3 times and the driver tester person said that it was good.

    edit" I just read what those 2 under me said, and NO you do NOT have to wait you are aloud to percede to the middle, If the light happens to change to yellow you go on so you are not stuck in the middle. so they are very wrong

  2. You can't be wrong for waiting at the light. People inch forward into the intersection so they can turn more quickly and will require less time/space (there are many impatient drivers). However, this creates a problem if the space never arrives and the light turns red while you are in the intersection.  You should only go into the middle of the intersection if you can see a gap in the traffic blocking you, and are sure that you will have time to turn - you don't even HAVE to do it then.  Even in this case you should not stop in the intersection. You should proceed slowly into the intersection so you arrive at the point at which you need to turn at the same time the gap is there.  

  3. 1. If the interesction has a left hand turn arrow light, then you MUST wait behind the white line for the green arrow and then start and complete your left hand turn.

    2. If the intersection does not have a left hand turn arrow light, and the light turns green, you should pull forward safely into the middle of the interesction to prepare to complete your left hand turn.  Once your car is in the intersection lined up behind the car in front of you, you are allowed to complete your left hand turn (if the light turns yellow), safely.

  4. Wait behind, you never wait in the intersection to make a turn......

  5. Wait behind the white line where you are supposed to stop then go when it is safe. You should not move to the middle of the intersection because if the light changes you are stuck and that is dangerous.

    I just read the one above and if other cars are coming, you CANNOT go or you WILL hit them causing an accident. You will also be fined! I know because it happened to my friend who also thought it was a good idea to move to the middle until he got stuck because the light changed and received a $100+ ticket.

  6. Your friend failed on that turn because he went over the line at the stop. Had he waited behind the line, then made the turn, he probly would not have failed. Personally tho, if you encounter that situation on your driver's test, just wait the light out and and only turn left on an arrow. Good luck.

  7. do not move to the middle of the intersection - you must wait behind the line (if there is one) at the light and proceed only when you can complete the turn - if there is no line then just wait where you would if the light was red - the idea is that you might not have a clear turn before the light changes and you would be blocking the cross traffic if you waited in the intersection or you would have to complete your turn on a red light which could cost you a ticket either way

    good luck on your test

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