
How do you do housework so it doesn't bore you?

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  1. i turn on my favorite radio station or my favorite cd and i let it play while im cleanin or cookin it makes my time go by fast and i get everything done quick too...

  2. just do it has to be done the more u think about it longer it takes i love it when i stand back and im proud its all clean and sparkling

  3. I do housecleaning for friends as a way to get extra income into my household, and here are some simple ways to help ensure housework does not become a bore:

    1. Don't look at it as a chore, but rather look at it as an accomplishment. When dusting, you can see the results (more shine on the surface, no dust left behind), or when vacuuming, you can see cleaner carpeting. When you look at it as accomplishments instead of chores, you can feel pride in the vast number of accomplishments you have achieved.

    2. Make a mess! Sometimes before vacuuming, I will dump the paper shredder on the floor, because it is more fun to clean something when it actually needs cleaning. No, really, I am not crazy :-)

    3. Listen to music while cleaning. When you are singing along to the music, you are not thinking about what you are doing, and by the end of a CD, you will have the whole house clean.

    4. Break the list of housework tasks into bits instead of taking it all on in one day. Do the dusting on Monday, the vacuuming on Tuesday, laundry on Wednesday, picking up toys, clothes, etc. on Thursday, and on Friday catch up on anything else that needs to be done. By doing it as small bits instead of one day of non-stop work, you get to enjoy more of your time.

    When I am cleaning the homes of my friends, I have no choice but to do everything in one day-- so I listen to music, and dance along with my singing as I clean. I scrub the bathtub to the beat of the music, or sweep the kitchen floor while going to the beat. Further, cleaning is the time when I do all of my deep thinking about things that are bothering me. It gives me the time I need to really put some thought into my personal problems, and next thing I know, I am done cleaning that house.

    The key though is this: Don't think of it as a job, but rather think of it as mini accomplishments. The better your house looks, the better you will feel about yourself and the better you will feel having friends over.

    Oh, and one more thing: Housecleaning burns calories! So think of it as your own personal excercise time! :-)

    Good luck doing what so many of us hate doing!

  4. I always listen to music and sing along. Sometimes I dance as well because I'm a bit crazy! But it's still makes housework fun, instead of it being a chore! I hope I helped!    =)

  5. I'm only 14 so don't really do housework,

    but my mum always turns the radio on loud, listening to the music and starts to sing. makes her feel happy and she does it quicker (:

  6. I usually have the stereo turned way up.

  7. Music definitely helps!  

    Put your favourite songs on, and turn it up loud, and sing along!

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