
How do you do it and cope?

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My sweet baby girl is now twelve weeks old. She was premature and shortly after getting home she got a form of meningitis. I have to go back to work tomorrow. I've found a care center that I love, and I trust the staff. How do I leave her, though? I know I have to do this, but how do you other moms get through it emotionally?




  1. Had the same concerns the day before I went back to work! Here's how I managed the first few days:

    (1) Stay busy. You won't have time to miss her if you are involved in your work.

    (2) Take pictures and show her off. Everyone wants to see your new little one, and it will give you a chance to think of her!

    (3) Call when you miss her. Just call and ask if they can put the phone on speaker, so you can hear your little one jabber. Make sure she is ok. It will make you feel better.

    (4) LOVE the time you are at home with her. Being away makes this time so special and wonderful and exciting. Your daughter will cherish this time and so will you.

    (5) Don't expect it to be easy. It won't be. It will always be a struggle between being a mom and being an employee. Mom will always win out (as it should). But work is important to. Find the balance as best you can.

    Good luck. It gets better than the first few days.  

  2. Don't.  Do what I did and get your maternity leave and turn in your resignation.  Best thing I ever did in my life.

  3. First of all make sure that the centre you leave her at are aware of your feelings, take it hour by hour and if the centre is the right one then they will understand that if you make regular phone calls to set your mind at rest,say once every 2 hours to begin with then reduce these phone calls as it gets easier, I have 2 children myself so i know how hard it is to leave them all day but I promise you it does get easier as you get used to it x

  4. It is going to be hard without a doubt.  I wish you the very best.......


    Have a picture with you to keep close by

    Ask the center if you can call in a check up a couple times

    Avoid working lat......get to her as soon as you can

    Ask the center to keep a log (provide a notebook in her Diaper bag) of activities and such.  Ofcourse ask them to do this if they have time

    Last but not least give it time it will get easier.  GOOD LUCK♥

  5. When you either choose or are forced to be a working-outside-the-home mom, you need to come to terms with this BEFORE you have a baby.  But since you didn't, now you need to assess which category you are in: Have to work or choose to work.  

    If you choose to work, but don't have to, write up the pros and cons and get real honest with yourself about what you want to do.

    If you have no choice but to work, realize that very fact, and just do your best when you are with your baby.  Guilt feelings won't do either you or her any good.  Just do your best in all choices and things, and it will work out.

  6. Take it one minute or hour at a time.  You are a strong person otherwise you wouuld not have made it this far (with the pregnancy, birth, new baby, etc.)!

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