
How do you do on AP history test?

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How do you do on AP history test?




  1. I got a 5 on AP US

  2. world history? i got a 4. which is what i was hoping to get so im satisfied.

  3. I got a 3.  That bites.

  4. Any history in general? I got a 4 on the AP Art History exam. :) But I took the makeup one. So I probably had a different version than everyone else.

  5. After I took it, I convinced myself that the best I could possibly get would be a 4, but I found out my results, and I got a 5!!!!  I'm still really excited ...

  6. i havent taken it yet but my friend said it wasnt that hard.

  7. On the AP World History I thought I would fail, but I got a 4. I was surpised...

    AP English, erg, I got a 3. That sucks, especially when I do speak English and everything, heh

    AP Art History, I knew I didn't do too well. I got a 3.

    To be completely honest, AP and IB test are a waste of money, time, and stress. sooo not worth it unless you get 4's and 5's on AP's and 6's and 7's on IB's

  8. i didnt personally take it, but two of my friends who are fairly intelligent recieved 2's, i took the AP english test and got a 3 : / i was hoping and thinking that i at least got a 4...

  9. 5

  10. I thought I was getting a 5 but i gotta 4

    On AP world history

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