
How do you do telekinesis?

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How do you do telekinesis?




  1. You have to be clairvoyant.

    Like I am :[

    you're born with it.

  2. You focus your energy on an object by staring intensly at it.  I did it in a mild way. I would throw a spitwad on the ceiling.  First looking away then turning may energy toward it suddenly I could make it fall down. This is not moving mountains but its a start.  I am telepathic and I believe that the same energy that carries thought to others is also telekinetic energy. I can make a person feel sensations with my eyes and sometimes just thinking about a place on that persons body when they are not even around.  Its a curse not a blessing. People here my secret inner thoughts and I'm afraid to be around people.

  3. Concentrate.  Tell your hand to move.  It magically does.  You want it to pick up the remote.  It does.  You've moved something with your mind.

  4. Telekinesis is a very difficult thing to do. Obviously, the basic thing is to not to just will something to happen, but know, with every bone in your body, that it IS happening. This is the power of manifestation of thought.

    A good way to begin, is to light a candle, stare at the flame, and see if you can get it to move one way or another. A more elaborate way, is to balance a folded piece of paper, or something similar, on a upright pencil that you've put up on a table top. Then put a glass over it, so that no air can move the balanced piece of paper. Then will the paper to move, in any way you like. If the paper actually moves, you can be sure it's not because of a draft.

    There is a mountain of evidence of human will influencing the outcomes of random experiments, such as coin flips.

    Good luck!

  5. You don't.  No one does.  Feel free to waste your time on it, but I recommend against spending any money.  Remember, if the guy who wants you to pay $20 for his book could actually do what he claims, he could get a million bucks from this guy.  So why does he need your $20?

    EDIT:  That 'people only use 10-20% of their brains' thing is a myth.  You use all of your brain, just not all the time.  Look at an MRI scan someday - you're using it all.  And there's no part of your brain that allows you to break the laws of physics.

  6. you use a part of the brain the rest of us idiots can't use. humans only us 20% of their brain! imagine 50%, i bet you could move all types of objects, among other things.

  7. wat u mean

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