
How do you do that soccer move...?

by  |  earlier

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Alright I play high school soccer and i'm a fairly quality player. I play defense, so i don't always get a lot of touches on the ball. I just need to be able to pass well and defend.

But i was do you do that move where you have the ball behind your heel and you like flick it up with one foot then kick the ball over your head like in an arch, ya know??

help please like a step by step type thing




  1. it's called a rainbow. a lot of my firends can do it, but i always hit myself in the head. yuck.

  2. u should put up a link of it to youtube cause I have no idea wat ur talking about.

    O a rainbow. dude i got that move down pat. it took me 4 years though, u push the ball w/ur stronger foot by its side onto ur weaker's heel and lung foreward w/ balance and ur back bent JUST enough to get the ball over ur head. it goes to the side or u can miss but hey, it took me four years too. good luck on ur season=)

  3. I imagine that this video would be incredibly more detailed than any text I could write so:

    The guy's technique is sound...but I might add that this move takes a fair amount of practice depending on your skill level, so don't give up easily. Practice standing still, then move on to performing it while jogging so as to prepare you to do the trick where you could really benefit from it: on the field.

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