
How do you do the pre pharmacy.

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i'm a sophomore in highschool now. and i'm really clueless about colleges and all this pre pharmacy and pharmacist stuff. i want to become a pharmacist but i dont know anyhting baout the pre pharmacy. is there a certain requirment you need to do the pre pharmacy? i know that pre pharmacy is when you get all the credits and classes you need to get into the actualy pharmacy program but can someone help me with this?




  1. You should go to the website of all the pharmacy schools that you are planning on applying to- each will list their required pre-req courses that you will need to take before you can be accepted into their school.  most colleges have about the same classes that are required: general chem, organic chem, some physics, some math, as well as classes like psychology and english.  But you just need to check to make sure what extra classes are needed at what colleges.  Also, before you apply you will need to take the PCAT exam- a class is probably offered to help you with it, but are normally around $2000.  You can easily just get a couple PCAT books to study for it on and off when you have time.

    It is really great that you are only a sophomore in high school and already know what you are wanting to do with your future.  If you map out what classes you need to take each semester in order to fulfill the pre-reqs for each pharmacy school, you will be well ahead of most people.  It will make picking your classes a lot easier as well.

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