
How do you do these icons?? ツ

by Guest58249  |  earlier

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i copyed and pasted that btw.... plz tell me how to do that!!

Thanks guys!!

And i put this in the beauty section just to get more answers..... so plz no rude comments.... thnx guys!!!♥




  1. That isn't a smiley face. That is a Japanese Hiragana, or Katakana character I believe. So there shouldn't be any 'code' for it. You'll have to change your language settings to Japanese and figure it out from there. If you have a Mac, you should be able to drag and drop Japanese characters from your 'Special Characters' window.

  2. lol thats a chinese symbol- they use a different alphabet

    you can use these one

    you just make them up on your key board.

    :D :-)  : ]  :-(  but there side ways play around with your keyboard!!

    ^   ^


  3. haha!! I do the same thing. I copy and paste it too. I have no idea how to make them!

    Sorry this doesn't help!  

  4. That is not an Icon that is a Japanese character. Japanese have about five different Alphabets:

    Kanji, which are Chinese characters also used in Japanese

    Hirigana, which is used most of the time

    Katakana, which is what I beleive that character is and is used mostly for translated English/Engrish lettering

    Romaji, which is the romanized form of a character:

    Hirigana: に = Romaji ni (pronounced Nee)

    Katakana: ニ= Romaji NI (also pronounced Nee)

    Its not an icon, its a "letter" I suppose. Its romanized to say "s**+"

    Its NOT a word, its a "letter"

  5. It's Japanese. You really shouldn't use the characters if you don't know what they mean, you'll just be writing things that don't make sense.  

  6. That's not an icon, that's a character from the Japanese alphabet. To type those characters you need to 1.) know Japanese and 2.) have East Asian fonts installed on your computer.

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