
How do you do this on piano??

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alright. so i quit piano lessons a long long time ago, but i still wish i could play. so i have been doing a ton of online stuff. i still would be in piano but it took over my life. so here's what i know. i know all the notes and stuff and i can perfect songs that only need one hand. what i was wondering is how do you play with two hands doing different things? is it just where you have to practice a ton? or is there something i should know, cuz i can't get my hands to function like that haha. when one hand does something the other hand will do the same. i dont know if this is a really dumb question but o.well.

thanks :]




  1. the notes on the bottom of g clef are the base notes, in order to play oppositely with both your hands playing different rhythms at the same time takes loads of practice, thats why they have excersizes.

  2. Just practice each hand separately at first until you know it really well with hands separately.  Then put them together, but really SLOWLY.  My piano teacher always tells me that the slower you play a song when you practice it, the faster you will be able to play it when it's finished.  Learning piano just takes a lot of practice and patience, but can be rewarding if you stick to it.

  3. Well I play the piano and to do this you just have to practice! But it's difficult to do it on your own! You should hire a teacher to show you some easy step by step two hand lessons. If you really wanna achieve sth you can't do it by just taking online lessons!

  4. i have the same problem. i'm rubbish with chords

  5. The first thing you have to learn are the scales for each hand separately. Then when you get that accomplished you have to start combining them together and practice alot.  Pretty soon it will get easier, as you play songs that use both hands equally.  

  6. Naw....I have a hard time believing that. EVERYONE can have their hands do two different things at once. Just practice getting that to happen first by forcing your left hand to do something different from your right hand while your right hand plays something.

  7. It's really in the practice. Playing an instrument is serious multi-tasking, because you have to do one thing with one hand, another thing with the other, read the music, and look at the keys. I play a lot of Scott Joplin, and he never matches up his left hand with the right hand. If you can't do two different things with your hands, then you should probably back up a level and slowly make your way up to the top. I would reccomend this method, even though it isn't the one I use - I used to be on level 5, and when I perfected a level 9 song, I was suddenly good at all the levels in between! This is only because I am a fast learner...

    Good luck. Playing the piano is a wonderful talent and people appreciate good music, so keep practicing.

  8. fisrt practice the song a bunch with one hand then with the other.  then put it all together bar by bar

  9. Practice the bass clef (left hand) stuff first. All by itself. Then the right. Then combine. Just take practice hun!

  10. First of all, it's not a dumb question, lol.

    I play piano and when I began I couldn't do both hands, with different notes. Now, I can. My teacher says to perfect each hand sepreratley and then practice with both. It gets easier as you learn. I hope this helps =] Good Luck!

  11. Some people can do this naturally. For others it takes a lot of practice.

    Start with something more easy and then find more harder pieces to play. You don't really need lessons. You will probably figure it out.

    Remember Just practice

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