
How do you drill a small hole for a string to go through in a penny?

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  1. Pennies are really soft. Any drill bit should work. If I were doing it, I would choose a carbide tip drill bit, probably 3/32", and use a drill press with a clamp to hold the penny. If I had to drill a lot of them, I would probably make a fixture to quickly clamp and hold the penny in position for drilling.

  2. Needed: drill (cordless or electric)

                    small drill bit  (approximate size of string)

                    center punch ( to start the hole  for drilling)

                    Hammer (to hit the center punch to start the hole)

                    vise or vise grips (something to hold the penny

                                                    secure while drilling)

    Secure the penny in a vise (preferably) or a set of vise grips  so it will not turn while drilling (do not hold with hands!!). Tap lightly with the center punch and hammer to make an indentation where you want the hole. Place bit in drill and place in indented area to drill. LIGHT pressure! Heavy pressure will probably result in a broken bit. Steady , light pressure , taking your time. It shouldn't take very long to drill as copper is a very soft material and should drill fairly quickly and easily.



  3. You need have a vice.  Put the penny in the vice and have a small drill bit to drill the small hole in it.  The purpose of the vice is to hold the penny still to keep it from wiggling and it makes it stable enough to drill the small hole..

  4. I would use needle nose vice grips held in place with a small vise. I would set the vise grips do that the penny is actually resting on the sides of the vise. This keeps the penny still while drilling. To keep the drill bit in one place once the drilling begins, the penny should be marked by a punch so that the drill has that indentation of start into, rather than wandering around until it find something to keep it steady.

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