
How do you drink your coffee??

by  |  earlier

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Or do you drink tea?? I drink both. I drink coffee strait and strong (like my man ha ha) and I like to put cream and chai spices in my tea. I especially like Earl Gray. u? Any intresting things i should try?




  1. im a tea girl. but when i do drink coffee, it extra stong, black no sugar and u huge scoop of the best vanilla ice-cream u can find

  2. Try Irish Breakfast Tea in the morning

  3. i like milk coffee. but without sugar.

    try it s taste is very good.

  4. Coffee- Sugar, small amount of milk

    Tea- Dont drink it

  5. strong and straight.  never adulterate it.

  6. Both a little strong. Tea with honey. For Coffee I like lattes with nut flavors.

  7. I don't drink coffee; I prefer tea. Coffee is a bit too bitter and strong for me.

  8. T. 2 and a half spoons of sugar and piping hot with a tiny bit milk!!!

  9. Black  is how I drink my  coffee.

    Hot  green tea..   I always  add  Stevia or  Honey  to it.

  10. With milk and sugar.... yummy

    also with a peppermint stick or chocolate Hersheys kisses.

  11. We have been trying out flavouring syrups in our coffee.  Try the link below.

    There are lots of different flavours - gingerbread, vanilla etc.... i tried strawberry coffee (eewwwuuuee) - but was lovely in tea.

    You can also use these syrups for making ice cream, sorbet, cocktails, juice drinks as well as in your coffee..... (i made chocolate+orange ice cream on sat - was scrummy)

  12. I like my coffee like I like my women: hot, black, and bitter.

  13. Black coffee (wimpy variety's need not apply), tee; maybe once in a while at night apple spice or cranberry spice.

  14. i drink coffee with  international delight the caramel one is the best

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