
How do you drive in trafficy intersections?

by  |  earlier

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Say traffic is really bad, and you're stopped at an intersection and there's 3 cars in front of you. The light turns green, do you stop and wait to see if you have enough room to cross or do you just go and risk getting stuck in the intersection?




  1. In this situation you pull up to the white line at the beginning of the intersection and then stop until traffic in front of you has cleared the intersection, that way you know you will make it through and not get stuck in the middle.

  2. One vehicle, and one vehicle only, is permitted to enter the intersection to wait for the opening to turn, but only if there is reasonable expectation of clearing the intersection.  If you are not talking about turning, but going straight through, no vehicle is permitted to enter unless there is sufficent room past the opposite cross-walk for the vehicle, and it doesn't matter what colour the light is.

    If you haven't entered the intersection because you don't believe you can clear it totally before cross traffic starts moving, you will get honked at by idiots.  Ignore them.

    If you are sitting in the intersection, and can't clear it, you will be honked at and will deserve it.

  3. I always just stop and wait, better safe than sorry....

  4. You stop before the white line/crosswalk, wait until there is room for your car on the other side of the intersection, watch the light, and if it turns yellow, you must wait. If you cross the line and it turns yellow, then continue through provided there is room for your vehicle. If you risk blocking the intersection, a lot of other drivers will not be impressed. Always make your driving decisions based on your own safety and the safety of others.

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