
How do you drive the speed limit w/o making people mad?

by  |  earlier

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Everyday I go to and from work driving the speed limit. Why do people honk at me and flip me off? I also love it when they pass me on the right side. I, personally dont want a speeding ticket or do i like to worry if there is a cop over the next hill. I am so tired of tailgaters and mad drivers. With gas prices they are you would figure people would want to slow it down a little. Not that it saves allot but it would add up. I would think but maybe im wrong. They speed past me all mad and down the road i meet them at the same stop light. I dont get it. But i do have fun smilling and waving at them. lol What am I supposed to do go w/ the flow of the mad speeders, or deal w/ it while smiling and waving. Any tips




  1. If the rest of the traffic is going faster than you, you should try staying in the nearside lane rather than being in the fast lane. Watch the traffic around you - if someone is charging up behind you at a rate of knots, prepare to give way and move into space in the slow lane.

  2. put a big **** you sticker on the back with a gun rack in the back window with a loaded shotgun

  3. I usually go about 5 miles over the speed limit unless I am in busy traffic or a school zone etc.. If other drivers want to go faster I try to get in the slow lane. I don't let speeders push me into going faster than I want to. I don't push others. Some people cannot drive fast like older people and they should be respected. When people get to pushing other people it is very dangerous because they could make someone wreck.

  4. I would suggest keeping up with traffic, never be the first or last in any traffic line,  saves the aggravation,

  5. Who cares if you make them mad?  Just drive safely.  If they have a problem they should have got up earlier.

  6. just admit your an asian!

  7. Smile and wave, there's nothing your going to do to change the way everyone else drives. Drive the way you way and pay no attention to to fingers flying. Their just mad cuz they woke up last and have to rush to work.

  8. you may want to go with the flow of traffic. if they are all fast go fast it they are slow go slow.. this way you wont get any honks from mad drivers

  9. You are lucky to be able to get to the speed limit on a commute. In British towns and cities the average commuting speed is between 3 and 8 MPH.

  10. My preference is to drive five miles per hour over the limit. You will not get a ticket for that speed and 5mph does not effect your gas mileage enough. That being said you should ignore the angry drivers and just drive how your feel comfortable. Also yes driving slower does save gas and quit a bit actually. I don't know the exact figures but on my many road trips I calculated and five or more mpg from 65 to 85. One note: if you are going slower than everybody else please get in the right lane. It's just curtisy.

  11. Try staying in the right lane as much as possible. Let the maniacs and the idiots pass you by, and don't wave and smile at them. In this day and age with road rage on the rise, you might p**s off some unstable r****d who will take umbrage at your innocent gestures and try to take it "to the next level."

    Slow traffic has to stay to the right to let traffic flow, and it's safer for everybody involved if you are passed on the left.

    Do your thing, you're not breaking any laws, but you have to consider the other side too, these people are in a rush and only thinking about themselves. They're flying up the highway and suddenly there's a car that's in the middle of the highway not keeping pace with the flow of traffic. Not everyone makes the right decisions in a timely manner.

    Do the limit if you want. But stay to the right and minimize your interaction with these buffoons (yeah, sometimes I fall into that category, but I'm being objective here). Drive safe.

    Wow... if you're already in the right lane and they pass you on the shoulder that's just crazy. I guess finding a different way to/from work is out of the question, so the only thing I can tell you is to keep your head on a swivel to make sure you see these nit-wits and avoid collisions. Again, good luck and drive safe.

  12. I had this problem too.  Then had my speedometer checked and it was way off.

    I was doing 60  when the speedo said 70mph.

    I bought the car used and I guess there was some funny business about changing the transmission and that is where the speeedo gear ration thing  is.

    so check your speedometer to make sure it is right on, and drive the speed limit.

    Maybe get a slightly humorous bumper sticker,  keep to the right as far as possible, even slow a bit more to help the craziees pass.

  13. Give them the finger...........I like throwing stuff! j/k?

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