
How do you dry out Snowboard gloves after using them?

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How do you dry out Snowboard gloves after using them?




  1. don't heat them because it might ruin the material. i just let it air dry (after turning it inside out) if u really want to, the dryer is one of the better places to put it because the hot air from there won't destroy your gloves. really, it doesn't really matter but if you have a hair dryer then put it on the cold setting and dry the gloves out.

  2. i dont snow board but i ride a motorcycle and if mine ever get wet/soggy/ horrible i either leave them on the radiator, put them in the drier or if i need them dry real quick i microwave them for 1 minute or however much in 1 minute increments until they are dry. doesnt harm them at all. good luck

  3. i put them by my wood stove.. or in the dryer

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