
How do you duck dive a 10' dumper closeout when you are right in the impact zone?

by Guest65723  |  earlier

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Whenever I encounter such a situation, I find that I simply can not duck deep enough to prevent getting sucked over the falls backwards. I feel like a wuss by ditching the board and swimming down, but it works. But it's hard to get back on my board fast enough to get out of the impact zone before the next wave comes in if I ditch it. Which is also dangerous if there is some people behind you. But, getting sucked over the falls backwards is no fun either.




  1. Uhh I hate getting sucked over the falls it suckS!! There isn't much You can do duck diving wise teh only thing you could do is push you're hands on the nose but I would just paddle out to the side of the peak or in between sets and then over cause I'm a wus well good luck.

  2. haha that must suck many ****s time it better or paddle like mad

  3. Ditch your board and pray.  If it's short interval you might be better off not bothering to try to get back on your board.  Just swim hard to gain some more distance.  Sometimes when I need to ditch my board rather than actually letting go I will slide of at an angle going forward and grab the board about a foot from the nose under y arm and swim down with it.  I probably don't go down any deeper than duck diving but I can stay down longer , allowing the wave to pass over me.

  4. keep repeating "I shouldn't be out here, I shouldn't be out here" and make sure you don't go back out.

    Man, 10 foot? You kidding?

    I been out in 12 foot "gentle giant" like waves, NOT dumpers and you had to be an iron man to keep up. Just be happy with F***n 6 footers. Gees, people these days......

  5. youre timing. watch the sets coming in and wait for a lull once you see a lull just paddle your *** off and get as much speed as you can possible generate and with everything you have push the nose down and then kick the tail down. but usually bailing the board is the best thing to do in that scenario who cares what you look like its not like theres a duck diving competition....

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