
How do you earn respect from people around you?

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At work or in your personal life? Sometimes I don't feel respected.




  1. you say that sometimes you don't feel respected, well they are your feelings.. you sometimes feel disrespected because you want to, strange as that may seem, nip that in the bud, if you really want to stop feeling disrespected you will. So I would say that respect is false, & make believe, be who you are, not false or pretentious, if some one is offensive to me in any way, I tell them how I feel when they do so.  

  2. Be kind to the people who are kind to you. Be distant to those who are not kind, they don't deserve your respect or kindness. When you hold yourself at a slight distance, they will know that you will not let yourself be treated in a disrespectful, unkind way and that you have certain boundaries (lines) that will not be crossed. Being kinder to those who are disrespectful only invites more disrespect.

  3. Be yourself and treat others how you'd like to be treated. You are more likely to gain respect if you show respect to others. If you are respectful and someone is still a complete jerk, then ignore them because they obviously aren't worth socialising with. I guess sometimes that's harder at work, but when it comes down to it, do what you have to do and let that be that. But respect does need to be earnt of course, it doesnt just happen. Just carrying on being kind and pleasant and yourself, and people will learn to respect that and you.

  4. dont be a jerk

  5. Respect is earn during the passing of time.

    Having strict morals and standards which you maintain and is consistant about will enable others  to see who you really are and whether you would have earned their respect or not.

    Time is the true test of respect.

    All fake and made up qualities cannot stand the true test of time.

    All will eventually be revealed for all to see.

    Save yourself the trouble and develop good honest qualities of intergrity and uprightness. It will take you trought the passing of time.


  6. Respect is something to be earned. You are not born with it. To be someone who desires respect, you need to not be afraid of hard work, get out what you feel and to respect other people and their space. Keeping your word is important too.

  7. Act respectable and responsible. Don't let people take advantage of you, either.

    Treat others with respect and they'll be more likely to treat you that way.

  8. dont take anybodys sh-it

    dont be a doormat

    be in control

  9. deserve respect and offer respect to

    the people around you.

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