
How do you earn the dog trust when entering their home?

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I'm interested in starting up a dog walking business. I could think of a better job




  1. First of all, you need to accept that you probably will be barked at when you go into the dogs home, especially if the dog is territorial and protective over its area and its owners. When you walk in, dont look the dog in the eye, because this is a sign of aggression and will immediately make the dog cautious and wary of you. Get down onto its level, kneel and dont get too close to the dog. Hold out the back of your hand and let the dog sniff it to get your scent. This is a sign that you dont want to harm him/her. Keep on its level and then when you move away, dont fuss over the dog too much or try too hard to win over the dog. Let it come to you, the less attention you pay it the better it will be at first, as curiosity will soon get the better of the dog and he will want to come over and check you out. Then you can fuss it and he/she will see you mean no harm!

  2. with most animals, drop the back of your hand down below their nose and let them get your scent.  if you immediately go to pet them, you're putting your hand in a dominant position and they'll get nervous about that.

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