
How do you eat your toast with your tea?

by Guest56600  |  earlier

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Do You

Dunk it

Eat it n den drink with toast in your mouth


Anything goes

I love dunking my toast in my tea mmmm (i drink tea after toast is gone)




  1. I swallow the toast first, then take a sip of tea. My friend would dunk her toast, with butter on it, in her sweet tea to get that sweet and salty flavor. The texture gags me, soggy bread.

  2. How old are you?-very silly.

    Anyway let me anwser your idiotic question, I eat my tost and drink tea in between, the two are never in my mouth at the same time-that is how civillised people do it.

  3. Wow, I've never tried that! I bet this isn't an American thing.. or is it?

    Well, soggy bread kinda grosses me out, but I can see how dipping the crust would be fine with me, since it wouldn't get so floppy.

    That sounds good. Thanks! I know what I'm having for breakfast tomorrow... :D

  4. the question made me laugh.....

    but i prefer to eat my toast (with cinnamon and sugar on it) first, and dunk the crust in my tea

  5. Am totally with you...but has to be butter not marge or some healthy spread...otherwise it's not the same...drinking the tea after that is! Aww and I thought I was the only one!!!

  6. i usually eat the toast first then drink my tea

    but i use to dunk my toast in my tea when i wuz younger...


  7. Freak show.... ok I hate dunking anything... soggy biscuits and soggy BREAD - NOT GOOD!!  And you get to the bottom of the mug and find gunge... gross!  

    I eat toast and drink tea inbetween.  Bring on the thumbs down. :o)

  8. Dunk it - the best way!! Then drink tea when toast if finished. :P

  9. thru mastication ooer

  10. take abit then i drink and leave some toast after

  11. I could'nt dunk the toast in my tea, but I do have toast in my mouth then have a drink of tea so I suppose that's the same as dunking it

  12. when i was little i used to dunk it in and only if i get an urge will i do it now lol

  13. I like dunking too...

    But try this for a really different taste sensation...

    Green pepper marmalade/jam

    This is a lovely jam for having on toast. Be sure to chop the green peppers finely

    4 cups of finely chopped green peppers 500 ml sugar

    2 ml salt 2 ml fine ginger

    2 ml mixed spice

    Mix all ingredience in a stainless steel pot and stand for 21/2 hours. Bring to boil for about 40 minutes over a moderate heat until syrup thickens. Remove from heat and bottle while warm in sterilized bottles.

  14. WOW

  15. My husband is like you but I eat it then wash it down afterwards with tea.

  16. LOL, what a waste of 5 points

  17. Dunk it - but not in tea coffee.

    I sort of keep it quiet because people think I'm strange for doing it!!

    Sorry !!  How serious are some people on here?  It was a fun question - with fun answers.

  18. i make two cups of tea ... let thetoast drink the tea to fatten it up (extra sugar) and then bam... i eat it when it least expects it :D

    i'm not weird am i? O_o

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