
How do you embed a telnet window [session] into a web page?

by Guest57752  |  earlier

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I'm designing an interface that will allows users to ocasionally use a UNIX terminal--long story. I need to embed a telnet session and paste information to it from within the webpage. Also, this page will not be on a web server.




  1. I dont know exactly, so I will on psudo it for you...

    The easiest way is to use 2 textboxes.

    You would have to look at an opersource telnet\ssh program and a mirc chat windows and combine the 2.

    The irc chat window has been done before, so you should be able to find it somewhere online...

    You have to open a session with a prestored password. The top textbox will display the server end, the bottom window will display the user-entry end....and probably a submit button linked to it....

    Its not that hard...but requires some research....

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