
How do you encourage leadership in toddlers?

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How do you encourage leadership in toddlers?




  1. by showing leadership at home

  2. I ask each of my 3 kids under 6 to solve the problem at hand. I never expect the oldest to do it by himself.

  3. I think kids want to please adults and when they are praised about things they feel good so that is where it can start. Try statements like this in front of other people; "That jack, he is a good leader, I can tell" then the other adult says, Oh yes, you are right.

    Get them to 'help you' with dishes. Just fill some water in the sink and let them play. whether or not they do the dishes at this point does not matter. Just brag to other adults, 'oh, kimberly is a good helper, can you believe she helped me with dishes to day, isn't that fantastic?"

    I think educating kids about sports and outdoor exploration can open possibilities. At that age, it might be something you have to do through books.

  4. You  don't, since they do not even understand the concept.

    Leadership is modeled, and if it is in the child's character to be a leader it will pick up the skills when ready.

    True leaders have the personality, and a natural ability for leadership; you will see this develop as he/she grows; it is seldom a learned skill.

  5. Allow them age-appropriate independence.  Teach them to do things on their own.  Focus on something small and obtainable each week.  It will do wonders for your child's self confidence, and those who are confident emit leadership vibes!

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