
How do you encourage your friends and family to ''go green''?

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How do you encourage your friends and family to ''go green''?




  1. If you love them, leave them alone!!

  2. live by example.

    What I do is when I make small renovations to my home (ex: put radiant barrier in my attic) I tell them about it and how much money I will save on my electricity bills.

    Then I track the results and naturally, people want to save money, so they end up following suit.

  3. Do some research on what bad things could happen if people don't start acting. Then maybe do a big presentation for them.

    Or set a good example like when they're around, remind them to recycle and explain the good of it. If you see family doing something that you could change to help the earth make sure you tell them and explain why, eventually they might catch on and it will just become natural to them.

    Or if you want to be annoying ( cuz that's always fun!) then everywhere where they might look put a little sticky note saying something like "did you recycle today?" or like "did you turn the light off when you left that room?"

    Or maybe something longer like " It's a nice day lets make it better, plant a tree!"

    Encourage them, it's not like your trying to get them to do something bad. Just slip out little facts during conversations , it could influence them.

    For me it's easy for my family because we were already doing "green" things before we came up with " go green"

    So make sure you make sure it becomes a habit for them

    GOOD Luck!

  4. Get an education and make a lot of money!

    Is that the green you are thinking of?

  5. usually i just didn't shut up about it at christmas time until daddy said he'd put solar pannels on the roof at the lake house. and then i made my mom buy a compost bin... and we have a garden... i think that's it.

  6. Just in little ways like

    RIDE A BIKE! what a fantastic idea. You get to see your surroundings, and save money on gas (of course if a bike ride is realistic!) Carpooling, and recycling also make a wonderful impact on the world.

  7. I have made it a point (in conversation) to talk about the tips I have heard. We are starting off small. We use cold water to wash clothes, using the new light bulbs in some areas of the house, turn off lights and fans when not using them, and I try to make an effort to make sure the electronics not left on. I was proud of my mom when she brought a go green bag for shopping.

  8. if u can get your parents to sit down with you. show them an educational film about the Arctic circle. it will show them the severity and consequences of global warming.

  9. tell them the positive and the negative. and what it can do. LIke let's say your friend wants a pet. But she can't have one. Tell her to plant a plant and to cherish it like it's her own pet. Scintist had studied and said that if you love your plants they will turn out wonderful :]

  10. I think the best way is to lead by example.

    A 'LITTLE' bit of pester power doesn't hurt but it's a fine line between converting people and just annoying them (which usually turns them against what you want them to do...)

    Or, if you yourself goes green and find some of your 'resistant' friends start to drop off, but that's okay because there'll be far more people you can become friends with. Greener people. And you know what? Most of these are very good positive people as well, so it's all good.

  11. At work, we already recycle paper, but my co-workers need to be more cautious about plastics (like, water bottles).  To help them get into recycling, I first just mentioned that I recycle, so I kind of laughed and said that they can just give me their empty bottles when done, and I'll toss them in my recycle bin.  It started a little slow at first ('cause I didn't want to be too pushy), but now, things are going great!  Everyone saves their bottles, other plastics, glass, aluminium/tin, etc. for me and I just take a bag home with me once a week and throw it in my recycle bin!  It's great!  Basically, you have to start out small and in a fun manner, or you'll never convince them to go green.

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