
How do you enter Zwinktopia if Zwinky account get suspended?

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  1.  whats zwinkys email?

  2. Ahhh!! Stupid zwinky! I reported a guy about 3-4 times and the next day I can't sign in to zwintopia and neither can I go on my profile. I have another account called pop_jojo14 and i signed in to that and I checked my acc which was supended. I went to pop_jojo14's profile and searched for MY other suspened account. I found out that zwinky had deleted my account :( I didn't do a thing but I did call words on that guy I reported but I had to because he was THAT ANNOYING :( --sighs-- Zwinky is so not forgiving.

  3. do i get my account back if i swore 3 times and it said wait 24 hrs,will i get it back?

  4. To get your suspended account back you need to make another zwinky account put login type yur pw then click exit on the lower left corner then enter again and put "not ___?" And The put the account that was suspended and voala the yu have it! (: If it doesnt work email me yur info i dont want yur acc my email is:
    or just look for me my name is ladygagae23706. Thanks!

  5. i got suspended and it says in 24 hours i can get back on. it waited 24 hours and it still wont let me on. i am really sad that was my good account i had stuff from valentinos and z card dogs. now im very upset with zwinky. it wont let me back on even though its past my suspension time.    what should i do  some1 please help me.

  6. i click on entire zwinktopia but it says done on the bottom of my page but on zwinky nothing happins well som1 tell me wats going on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. how can i enter if they dont let me

  8. what you cant get it back! but my best frend is on there i need her!!!!!! :'( ? D':<

  9. Depending on what you did. If you abused another zwinky then you are probably not going to get it back. If you swore 3 times then you should get it back in a matter of time and if you did anything else then you might or might not be able to get it back.

  10. whats gaframe and i want my account backk !!

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