
How do you enter and leave a poker table, if people are playing?

by  |  earlier

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Going to an Indian casino =), i dont wanna disrespect anyone




  1. If there are open seats, they'll sit you immediately.  If there are no open seats, you'll be put on the waiting list.  After you sit down, unless it's a new table, you'll have to post the BB before you play.  You can either post right away or wait until the blind gets to you, which is the better idea.  If you sit down in the SB or the button, you'll have to wait for the button to pass you, otherwise it will s***w up the blind rotation.  You can get up and leave anytime you want, but it's considered poor etiquette to get up right after winning a big pot, unless you had said that you needed to leave soon prior to winning it.

  2. Like others have said, you'll be put on a waiting list for the table you want, then you'll be called to your table. Depending on the casino, you'll buy in there and you'll get your rack. Other places make you walk over to a cashier and get the rack. Then you simply sit down. I don't like to wait, so I take the bb right away, but you can wait until it goes around to you again.

    In a casino environment, it's every man for himself and a good time to leave is just after the blinds have passed you. Meaning, you're in for the sb, then the bb, and fold both, and then you can reasonably walk away and most people won't be bothered by that. You should leave a tip of around $5 per hour you've played, up to $20. It's considered very bad poker form to get up after winning a big hand.

    The "rules" are a little different if you're going to a casino and playing with a bunch of strangers. Like, if you're playing with friends, you shouldn't eave the table until the night's done, especially if you're winning. Better would be just to drop every hand and post the bb/sb. Or do what I do and start drinking a lot, get drunk, and pass out.

  3. well if all the players agree u could cash out !

  4. Entering is easy, you just sign up and people point you in the right direction.  

    Leaving is where it's debatable.  One poster said leave after the blinds pass through.  I disagree with this, and never have I been told my tactics are bad etiquette, or disrespectful.  I leave right before it's my blind and here's why.  

    When I make the decision to stop playing, I have mentally checked out of the game so why would I put any money into the pot unless it was a no brainer?  So I wait a few hands see a bunch of cards for free and if nothing hits, I haven't lost anything.  This theory isn't mind.  I forgot if it was Mike Caro or David Sklansky but one of their books mentions this specifically.  

    I also disagree that after you win a big hand you can't leave.  if you've been sitting at the table for 7-10 hours and your ready to go, then it's time to go.  Poker is mainly about not giving away anything for free, whether that be information or your chips.  And don't let anyone try to tell you otherwise, they are there to take your money.

  5. You sign up and get put on a waiting list.  When you don't want to play anymore you just leave.  Simple as that.

  6. you have to sign up, and when a spot opens at a table they will call you on, you will either sit out till the big blind comes to you or you can post the big blind right away and start playing

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