
How do you entertain more than 1 preschooler?

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I am going to try to babysit need advice




  1. Let them play on a playground together.

  2. Depends on how old you are.  Basically they have an attention span of about 2 minutes.  They want to play and make things, simple things.  Color and eat.  Keep it simple and make sure they get a chance to go potty.  They forget sometimes without encouragement they will play and not go until it is too late.

  3. sing songs play games watch movies play outside.

  4. find group activities that they can enjoy doing together or that require more than one child

    a good one is to blow bubbles and let all the children have fun stepping on them and trying to catch them

  5. make funny faces and play horsey

  6. I would do some arts and crafts with them. The time goes fast, and it keeps them busy.

    This is a great website for crafts and various ideas.  < This is another great website with lots of activities for preschoolers helping them develop motor skills, etc.

    Good luck and remember to have fun!

  7. Get some group games going, like Duck Duck Goose. Every body loves that one! Especially little kids. It's good for their minds (they're learning how to follow instructions and concentrate on one speaker) and they get a lot of excersize!

  8. draw a funny picture and ask them what it is and tell them it is something else or make funny faces or read stories or make up a funny story

  9. read stories to them, let them color in a colorbook, play candy land, cartoons, let them draw pictures, exercise with music, musical chairs, group outside games, throwing the ball to each other,  mother may i,walking around and finding pretty flowers, birds, ect....

  10. I have a 3 year old son, and he generally wants nothing to do with me when he is around other kids of the same age. They entertain each other.

    Maybe you could get a big piece of butchers paper, and do a great big group painting (though you'd probably need to do a group bath afterwards)... or make mararoni necklaces? that's always a favourite.

    Good luck!

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