
How do you even know if you love a person? Would appreciate any answers.?

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I'm sure you've all heard this question before. But I'm not one of those sappy people who think every person they've liked, they've loved. I'm just the opposite. I never admit to myself that I could actually love someone. Mainly because I've never been in a relationship. I've liked people from a distance. I've always said that I can't possibly love this or that person mainly because of the fact that I'm not with them. I've just always assumed my feelings was just the result of an infatuation.

But a few years ago, I met someone who did change my world. I'm not saying I love her. But then again, I'm not even sure. We weren't together. In fact she belonged to someone else. But we were close. Personal info was swapped back and forth, hugs were shared, longer than usual eye contact, she always seemed to care when I had a

problem, etc...Anyway, she made me feel wanted and appreciated. I don't know if I'm missing her because of the fact that I felt so close to her or something else. All I know is that, I don't think I've missed someon this much before. It gets easier everyday, but she still happens to cross my mind at least once everyday. I always used to (and still do) worry about her. She used to get really bad migraines and stuff. I still continue to say to myself that it's just a crush. It just happens to be a really long one (almost 4 years, lol). I'm somewhat of a love cynic. All those sappy corny love stories and movies just kind of make me sick. I have a hard time believing in a fairytale kind of love. Anyway, when do you think it's safe to say that you actually care for/love someone? I just wanted to know. Any info would be helpful. Thanks!




  1. Now you can say..........I think you love her.........

  2. I think that it's safe to say you love someone, when, you're tired of seeing other girls, you only want to be with her, when you keep running back to her, care for each other, etc. Love can be found anywhere inside of a person

  3. it's simply this. Imagine this person at the moment of their death. if this thought brings you to tears , you love them.  

  4. I think it is safe to say it when you don't question you love the person.  So many people use that term when it's not even true.  I guess some people think it's what you're supposed to say, but I think if you love someone you don't have to ask yourself.  You will just know.   Maybe people would be happier if it had an actual meaning instead of what you "have" to say.

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