
How do you even out uneven coats of paint??

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Hi its my first time paint. I painted my walls red but its very uneven. It looks darker in some spots and light in the other. I just finished with the first coat. How many coats do you recommend? And what else can i do to even it out? Thanks




  1. Tinted primer would have been a good place to start, but, have you thought about a "treatment"? What is the end result you are going for? Maybe a glaze with yellow, oranges or golds? Do a wash of bronze metallic. Go all out and add a purple glaze, add streaks of black/gray and make it look like "exotic" marble. Red is tough one since it takes so many coats - it's just that it's a rich color that shows the imperfections of one coat. Good Luck. LT

  2. Well, since it is red, you should have started with a tinted primer.  You will probably have to do at least 4 or 5 coats to get it even.  I would suggest doing the primer over it - then it will only take 2 or 3 coats and will be less expensive than doing 4 or 5 coats of regular paint.  Get a friend to help and it will go faster.  You can bribe them with beer and pizza, or Coke and pizza for the under 21 crowd.

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