
How do you exorcise a TD demon?

by  |  earlier

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I seem to have a demon following me and TDing all of my answers immediately after I post.

Anyone know how I can rid myself of this evil menace?




  1. They'll go away eventually.  It happens to me every now and then.  I don't know if they get deleted or what, but eventually they disappear.

  2. Here......Do it to me.

    Everyone else does.

    I wear it as a badge.

  3. Hi Elf.  Sorry, you can't do anything about it.  But you can curse them in your mind!

  4. What the......?

  5. I see that you've already got your Q&As 'cloaked' so I can't think of anything else you could do.

    But don't worry, it happens to me too and it counts for nothing.

  6. Give yourself a pat on the back.

    No thumbs down means 'they' agree with you.


    Cheers :-)

  7. I don't know.  It happens to me, too.  I can post an answer, immediately edit it, and before I finish have a thumbs up and down.  I wasn't even finished???

    I have decided that a thumbs down is a compliment.  It means your "getting to them!"

  8. You just say I cast thee away foul creature of bile;

    who has no sense of style;

    into the rubbish pile.

  9. Sad eyes, turn the other way

    I don't wanna see you cry

    i get reporting and td's and i genuis.

    Edit: Try a treadmill. this is what genuis do to exorcise demans.

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