We just had our son's 4 month appointment. Our doctor said that it wasn't time to start solids yet...but for sure by the next appointment (6 months) he would need to start rice cereal. She said at first he may spit it out, but I should just put it back in...
That all sounds ridiculous to me.
If he's spitting it out, obviously he's not ready to eat yet. My plan was to wait until he started to sit up, reach out for food, and show interest, and then I would give him whatever my husband or I were eating (we eat very healthy, so it wouldn't be a problem) Of course I would never leave him alone while eating and I would make sure the food was safe (no honey, egg whites, etc..) I've also read (kellymom.com) that breastfed babies have iron stores for up to a year..if that's true, iron FORTIFIED cereal isn't necessary at all...and if additional iron IS necessary, I'd prefer to give him naturally iron rich foods.
How do you explain how you are going to feed your child without offending or upsetting your pediatrician? The little we spoke about today, seemed to bother her a bit...or she just thought I had no idea what I was talking about..
This question is for BLW parents, this is how we've decided we will introduce solids :]
Thank you!