
How do you explain addiction to a child?

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When a child who has no concept of not being able to just stop something because you want to, how do you explain to them what addiction is?




  1. You've already done a good job explaining it in the question! Just tell the child that when you do something (like smoking) again and again, it becomes a habit and then you can't stop doing it even when you really want to, and that you need to get special help to stop doing that thing. Liken it to something a child does. Eg - when you lie to get out of getting into trouble, then you might do it again next time and keep on doing it, until you do it all the time, and you forget how to tell the truth.

    I think that you may be underestimating the intelligence of children. I work with 5 - 6 year olds and explain much more abstract concepts than this one, and they get it.

  2. Relate it to food...a young child will not understand that a person must eat to live so the frame work is set. Pick out the child's favorite food like lets say jelly donuts for instance. Now ask the child if they were given a jelly donut would they want to eat it? The answer would obviously be yes because it is his favorite food. So then you ask the child what if i gave you 2 would you eat them both? Again, the answer would undoubtedly be yes. So as you keep increasing the quantity of Jelly Donuts now ask the child if they could just sit and look at them and not feel like they had to eat them. That answer would definitely be a resounding "NO" and so at that point you ask the child why they would want to eat them all? And the kid will more than likely say, because I like them. Now you can say...addiction is the same thing. A person likes cigarettes, booze, drugs whatever so much that even if they say they won't do it again, when its right in front of them they want it just like you wanted the Jelly donuts. This should help the child understand addiction.

  3. how old is the child?

    Hum, people forget how a 5 or 6 year old minds think, addiction they just might not know what the word means alone trying to explain the whole story to your child.

    My son when he was at that age heard of the word but had no clue what it meant.

    So at 5 or 6 years old, he/she is in the first grade just trying to learn how to write.

    First thing is first, is that if this is an adult problem I wouldn't really be laying it on a child that age to try to understand adult problem.

    But to explain addiction you might have to show him/her what it can mean by giving an example.

    Example meaning like,

    Take his favorite candy or TV show he/she loves to watch every single day.

    Say hey Tommy you know how you like to watch sponge bob?

    he would say yes. You would say well it would be sad if you didn't get to watch it everyday right?

    then you say well watching your favorite TV show is addiction you just need to watch it and you can't help it.

    Just to start to give them an idea what it could mean..You know your child and how much info you can give them.

    But like i said if it is an adult problem i wouldn't explain it to them there too little.

    Good luck to you.

  4. Be honest.  Explain that it is an illness that you sick.  That you need help to get better.  That it is not your choice to be this way.  That you feel bad about it.  That you are trying your best to get better.  That it is hard.  Are you a friend of Bill W?  Search for support.  Get a copy  of the steps, It only works if you work it.  Journaling helps

  5. Children are generally capable of understanding more than adults give them credit for.  Just keep it simple and just answer the question that they ask.  Too many times people try to give too much information when a child asks a simple question.  The simple answer here is that some substances are bad for your health and for many people, when they start using that substance, they cannot easily stop.  Believe me, most 5 or 6 year olds will understand this.

  6. just say they like it so much that the thing thing goes into your bain and makes you want it  more and more

    somthin like that

  7. you can't -it's an abstract idea.

  8. A 5 or 6 year old who has never had a favourite toy, blanket, food, habit... sorry, I don't believe such a child exists. If they do, then you cannot explain addiction to them because it is outside of their experience.

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