
How do you explain?

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What Autism is to an Autistic child? The time has come, we need to explain it to our 5 year old with Autism.




  1. I would get books on autism.  You can also type in "autism" at and then click on children's books.  These should be very helpful.  Good luck!

  2. i would say books, or even the doctor has good ways of explaing. or you could even try telling him what a 5 year old deffiniton for him. also i would explain what he/her is going through. good luck & god bless.

  3. Why does he need to know ?

    Considering he's Autistic, don't you think it would be better for him if you didn't tell him. I was just thinking that he might respond in an extremely negative way and begin to hate himself for being different. Autistic children have a lot of trouble dealing with their emotions.

    At 5 years old, i doubt he is going to take in much of what you are saying anyway.

  4. I would explain it that an autistic child's brain works differently then the brain of a different child's.

    In order to learn things, people need to take a different step. Does that make sense?

    Being autistic is just like having different colored skin, or a different hair style.

    I wouldn't worry about explain it, and what the differnace is. Just make sure that you let them know they are like every one else. Its a minor detail to a huge situation.

    I work with autistic children on a daily bases. I have never treated them any differently then any one else. and neither should any one else!!!
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