
How do you explain terrorism to a child when you are 50 metres away from a terrorist bomb?

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We were only yards away.

Luckily there were no injuries.

How do you explain terrorism to young children?

What words can you find to describe these actions and to calm their fears?




  1. OMG! Jomamo, that's awful, I'd have no words to be honest to explain terrorism to a child and would not like my kids to see firsthand either.

    Stay safe x

  2. Use an age appropriate answer but it must be the truth.  Show them examples of bravery and if you believe the Bible, have them read Psalm 23 in a children's bible.  They can also be told about Daniel in the Lions Den and in the fiery furnace.  We need to leave the psychiatrists out of the picture and they need to be able to understand the evils of the world and not be sheltered altogether or they will really get messed up.  Say it however you need to say it, but they need to know reality.  It builds character to face other trials in life and not go running to shrinks.

  3. that is a big question professional counselling is the only answer, if the child is really young do they really need to know about terrorism?  Cant it just be an explosion that caused a fire or something?

  4. The misery of the mirror on the wall.

    Look in the real world.

    Who created the unruly behaviour with self prides, self rudeness, self image of standing idol, self discrimination as people of different races of self racism with self lack of knowledge.

    In not heeding the words of God.

    But in kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God.

    In breaking our creator's first golden rule of the nuniversal constituition and universal laws in doing things at own whims and fancy.

    With code of honour of the dead Mummy with "Over my dead body"

    In idol worshiping the dead Mummy of failures and horrors of the past without being aware of it.

    Getting themselves kick on the butts as casualty of the dead Mummy in not worshiping God.

    Exodus 20. 1-7

    Leviticus 26.1

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    Luke 16.13

    Matt 22.32

    Leviticus 4.13,22

    What do you think?

  5. I am sorry you and your son have been exposed to such an awful crime my heart goes out to you both, however children are not affected by things that adults find profound. If I am not mistaken you are a school teacher- use your experience with children to watch his behaviour and if you are concerned get some professional advice.  xx

  6. That must have been horrific for you! I don't think you can explain such things to children but just hug and love them enough to hope it will be enough for them to cope with reality when they have too......:( Take care.

  7. I dont know.

    Be safe hun please

  8. I don't think there ARE any words which could calm their fears. These children usually need years of psychological therapy.




    I didn't realise you were actually there where it happened -  I'm so glad nobody was injured. If your child saw anything of it I would just take the advice which someone has already given and avoid trying to explain how evil humans can be.

  9. i was brought up in northern ireland during the worst of the troubles, no one really explained to kids back then what terrorism was all about. we would hear bombs and shots almost on a weekly basis at times. hear about it on the news and in papers. it was, back then, a part of our lives. i dont think i would be able to explain to a child nowadays why this sort of thing is still happening worldwide. im sure plenty of cuddles and reassurance that hopefully it wont happen so close again.

  10. You can't, best to explain it away by some other explanation.

    we have been as close as you to bombs going off in London, from the 2005 bombs and the IRA ones that sometimes i wonder what is to be be gained, nothing except more innocent lives lost. Children are resilient, they will be OK, if you calm their fears.

  11. We should not fight them. Just let them do what they want and maybe they will leave us alone. Peace at any cost. Don't fight back because soldiers might die. Bring the troops home. Yadda Yadda Yadda.

    Do you think along these lines when you aren't the victim? If so, then you have no right to complain.

  12. I'm so sorry to hear that JAMAMO....Terrorism of this kind is the lowest of all.....Hope your all not too shaken up....Be safe.

  13. That's terrible. I really don't know how you could explain such an act to a child. They are too innocent to understand the cruelty that lives in some people. Take care x.

  14. could you give us a clearer age of how old he is? I personally wouldn't explain about the terrorism part of it but if you feel you need to then make it simple without going into too much detail. Tell him that there are some bad people in the world who want to do bad things, and that it's important to never turn into one of those people.

    reassure him that you will keep him safe and always be looking out for him.

    wheres snizz our resident child psychologist when you need her?

    oh, and glad you are both ok. for once I'm sure people are thanking god for the rain.

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