
How do you explain this?... Please answer!!!?

by Guest60800  |  earlier

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I have weird experiences sometimes; especially involving my sister and especially when I am asleepor coming out of sleep. This one night I woke up in the middle of the night and tried to get up and it felt like somebody slammed me back onto the bed; like they had their hands on my chest.I started to freak out and tried to scream but I couldn't and then it put its hand on my mouth. After it did that I wasn't scared though; I felt like it was trying to calm me down and get me to focus on something; it wanted me to do something. It turned me over to the side of my bed and I had to "drive" myself out of this "feeling" I had; I can't explain that part. I talked to my sister two days later and she said that night she had drank way too much and was lying in the back seat of a car after puking until she was puking up green stuff and at one point she thought she was dying. I had an uncle who died ten years ago of alcohol poisoning; he choked on his vomit. What happened?




  1. I have the same type of problems before but not now. I found out it might be ghosts. Yes, if you believe in spirits then this is for real. These ghosts would sit on lie on top of you and you can't seem to move at all. Solution is moving to another house. Try that. I bet it works. People think it is a joke but it really work for me even though I don't believe in God or ghosts. For some reason just by moving to another city works and maybe even a different location. Something similar to Fung Shui. Location matters. Good luck.

  2. guess you and your sister have a close connection.

    ...i think alcohol should not be the drug of choice in your family.

  3. i cant explain that,sorry there is no "missing link"

    (experience)between you and your sister,only that

    you had experience something different,that is true.

  4. I would first suspect sleep apnea or similar disorder.

  5. It has nothing to do with your sister.  It's totally normal and mostly happens to kids in jr. high-high school when developmental hormones are altering the body.  It's nothing more than a chemical in-balance in your brain.   When you sleep, your brain emits chemicals like seratonin and others to help you sleep and one to relax your muscles.  Sometimes the muscle relaxer one gets released too fast before you are fully asleep, resulting in the paralysis. At the same time, you are in the dream state where thoughts turn abstract, so all kinds of weird things are going on in your mind...You'll eventually grow out of it when your hormones level out.  I had it as a teen too.

  6. It has nothing to do with what your sister was going through at all.. It is know as "The Old Hag Syndrome" or sleep paralysis. I have experienced it once and it terrified me. I woke up one night and my husband had his hand lightly on my back. I tried to get up to turn over but I was completely paralyzed.. The hand on my back felt like 100 lbs and I couldn't talk. Some people associate this with alien abduction or out of body experience. Look it up on internet there is so much info on Old Hag.

  7. Your ethereal mind was trying to relay the condition of your sister to you in an unexpected way and you had little time to interpret what was actually happening.

    Its kind of like how parents know that something is happening to their children even if they haven't heard from them in a long time.

    It's easier to explain as a bridge between your mind and someone else's.

    When their mind sends out certain frequencies of panic or fear, those signals pass the bridge and enter your mind as a sort of secondary feeling.

    The fact that it happens when you asleep is due to the fact that during sleep your mind is in a relaxed state and therefore more receptive to certain signals.

  8. What i feel after your explanation is that you were going to have an OBE and your body wasn't prepared for it so i think that you were pulled back in your body. Sometimes it occurs in dreams that you cannot move and scream so if that's the case its no big deal. Even though you might believe in ghosts it is no use to run away from a problem .Try to face it .May be if you and your sister share a close relationship then you may feel what your sister was feeling.

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