
How do you explain to one of your friends why you rabbit punched him?

by  |  earlier

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A guy was in our bar with another woman when his girlfriend was there, too. He even left the bar with the other woman, so his girlfriend stayed with us, and helped us break up a few fights that night, and that was a Friday night. Much later that night she announces she's breaking up with him, and then leaves with another guy. Fast forward to the next night, Saturday night and they are all in there together, and I was thinking something horrible was going to go down, so I was ready. Sure enough he starts fighting on the stage during a set, and I was worried worse things were going to happen, so I rabbit punched him and he went down.

About a month later I was at a concert late at night and asked for a ride home, so he and the first girlfriend picked me up, then throughout the trip he kept asking why I hit him, but I couldn't explain why, because his original girlfriend was there, driving the car! (some breakup huh)

So, I never did explain, and he thinks I'm crummy, when I'm not.




  1. I would hope he doesn't hit me from behind with a baseball bat, and i would say you should definetly not count him as friend anymore.

    How many people have you had to sucker punch? You repeatedly ask questions like this. Is this some sort of strange sexual fetish for you? Do you get o** on thinking about this stuff? Cause I got to tell you it's getting old.

    Quite honestly explain it. let him decide what he wants to do, and get over it. Chances are that he is not going to get over it, because you could have killed him. I found this question:;...

    If you really are a bouncer, you are d**n lucky you and the club didn't get suid, and if this is what you have to resort to to stop a fight, you need to find another line of work.


  2. If your relationship is on that level why not:

    Just stick your chin out and say "OK -- one free shot!"

  3. You did a pretty good job of explaining here.

  4. So of all the ways you could handle the situation, you chose to strike your friend?  I'd say that's pretty crummy.  You owe your friend an apology.

    Then again, I've learned not to mix alcohol, hormones, and the martial arts.  Perhaps that's a function of age and experience?

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