
How do you explain to your friends and the mess guy at college that your a raw foodist?

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i've been in college a month and havent had any fresh food ...dont get me wrong the food there is great but its not particularly heathly and i'm mostly a raw foodist .i'm sorta embarassed about that fact ....i dont want people to think im some sorta freak but the consequences of not eating raw food is definately showing on my face if not on my body. how do i explain my food habits to my friends without comming off as a total freak and how do i explain to the guy that makes us breakfast everyday that all im CRAVING is a green smoothie




  1. Just go up and tell them. They don't mind. They will appreciate you being forthright.  

  2. Well you can't make the "breakfast guy" learn how to make a raw green smoothie for you, so maybe instead of putting money towards buying food at college, start making your own. I know that every college I have ever been to - even community colleges - had ways to prepare food on-site. In fact, since you eat raw food, all you need is a food processor and tupperware and a blender and a fridge or cooler. If you don't live on campus but commute, just make food at home and take it with you in a cooler.

    I don't think you need to worry about justifying your diet to everyone around you... there's a lot of reasons behind you're a raw vegan, I'm sure, but the whole shpiel would probably put everyone to sleep. I usually just say "I'm vegan" if anyone has a problem with what I'm eating (but it's rare - trust me, we as a species are a bit vain in thinking that everyone worries and notices everything we do... I have friends I've had for years or more that didn't notice I was vegan until I specifically told them, they just thought I was picky or didn't notice at all!)

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