
How do you explain why women aren't allowed in combat roles in the Military without sounding sexist?

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shamu: My first thought of women in combat roles is about that woman getting captured and becoming a POW. There is a lot more that can be done to a woman than a man...

I got some better answers by posting in the military category..;_ylt=Arpbf8I1iQ1OKngvswJ_4YLsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080623205122AAdiiKB




  1. The men who run the military don't want women in combat.  In order to rise to the highest ranks in the military, you must have combat duty/experience.  It is a way of creating a glass ceiling in the military, because they didn't want women in the military to begin with.

    The women who are in the military want to go into combat.  Feminists support women in combat, and, although they are against the draft, if there was a draft, they believe females should be drafted.

  2. You can't, that's why you go all out and p**s them off royally.

  3. Uhhhh.. Bonsylar, what in the blue h**l does men peeing have to do with military? I say if you qualify and want to do it then why not. The reason you don't see women in combat very often is because they choose to do different things. It's appealing to some women and it isn't to other women. It's exactly the same as men, some choose different career paths and others want to fight for their country.

  4. You don't have to be physically strong to fight in the military. Some countries use child soldiers and they are quite lethal. You just need common sense and a lot of knowledge of your enemy. The Vietnam War was in large part won by men who are on average, smaller than the average American woman.

  5. A lot more that can be done to a woman than a man?  You've got my brain working now, I'm trying to imagine what they could do to a woman more than a man...If I was  POW I'd prefer to be a woman.

    The military thing is a form of beneficial sexism. Why on earth would I want to risk my life and be tortured? Guys, you can have this job!

  6. It's simple anatomy. Women have 40% less (upper arm) strength than men. This is not sexist or a vague excuse. As a former USAR soldier, it makes perfect sense to me. The amount of weight that a infantry soldier has to carry is immense. Now, a woman may be able to do this, but chances are it's going to be much more difficult. And chances are, a woman infantry soldier will have a much shorter life expectancy.

  7. Simple biology.

    Men can pee standing up without undressing and don't need maxi pads.

    I don't know about anyone else, but I won't use a porta-potty, much less cheap, government issue tampons.

    Men point and pee.  Women have to completely strip from the waist, do their business, clean themselves, then re-dress.  ALL WHILE THE ENEMY IS SHOOTING AT THEM!!!

    Call it sexist.

    Call it good.

    You'll have to drag me, kicking and screaming, into combat.


    Just so you all know, if I'm drafted and some idiot hands me a gun, I'm shooting all of you.

  8. You cannot. However why do men think this? I find it ridiculous that due to gender women aren't considered strong enough.

  9. Why don't you speak the truth? If people don't like it they are obviously living in their own utopia and can f*ck off. The PC brigade is about as far as women should go when it comes to combat.

  10. I wouldn't ever want to be in the military, but one point on the woman's side; we can scientifically take more pain. Women can withstand torture longer than a man. That's something to do with natural childbirth, but the fact still remains.

  11. If you state why women aren't allowed in combat with factual evidence instead of trumped up opinions that don't count for much than it really doesn't matter if someone loosely tosses the word sexist at you.

    Honestly and in all sincerity, I'd actually like to hear what you have to say on this matter because at this point the only valid complaint I've heard against women in combat roles and the military in general is because they go through some of the worse forms of torture because they are female.  Most other arguments have been whiny complaints and at best, overexaggerated opinions so I'm always looking for other factual information as to why women shouldn't be in combat roles or the military.


    hmm...interesting answers, I might keep a watch on that question to see what other answers you get.

  12. sexism is legitimate, women and men ARE different.

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