
How do you express your christian faith? and why do you express it that way?

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like, with objects.

Example: Christian cross around your neck, rosary, a little fish on your car.




  1. You can express it anyway you want to. God will give you the guidance! :-)

  2. Well, as I understand it, one of the 10 commandments says NOT to worship with objects yet many people do. I can't figure that out. I also think it is horrible to show a statue of Jesus hanging brutally on a cross and bleeding. How frightening. So, as Frank Lloyd Wright said so intelligently; "I believe in God, only I call it nature"

    I take care of Gods earth and the animals in it. I am a vegetarian and an advocate for animals and children. I wish people wouldn't scare their children by threatening them that God will strike them dead as my mother did to me, it turned me off to conventional religion, and now I don't believe any of it.

  3. I wear the following things on my necklace:

    A crucifix, to remind me what Christ did for me.

    A Celtic cross, both to show the Risen Christ and also as a reminder of my own heritage.

    A medal of St. Christopher, patron of travelers, as a perpetual prayer both for his intercession and that God might grant me safety in my daily journeys.

    A medal of Ste. Catherine of Siena, my personal patron saint, as a perpetual prayer both for her intercession and that God might continue to grant me my gift in mediation (Ste. Catherine was a fantastic mediator).

    A medal of Ste. Mary Magdalene, patroness of converts, a daily reminder of my own conversion and a perpetual prayer that God might help me to convert the hard-hearted.

    A medal of Pope John Paul II, as a reminder of his Holy Life and a reminder that we are all capable of love and compassion.

    A medal of Ste. Rita, patroness of difficult and impossible causes, as a constant prayer for her intercession and that God will grant that 1) my step-daughter will someday find her way out of the influence of her Pastafarian mother and 2) that the courts will judge rightly and grant custody of my neice and nephew back to my sister and strip her ex-husband of all parental rights since he abused them and the courts have yet to see it, no matter how often he's hotlined.

    A miraculous medal, which is supposed to grant graces to all those who wear it faithfully.

    My husband and I also have several crucifixes hung up in our room, as well as a large wall rosary, a holy water font, statues of Our Mother of Perpetual Help and Our Lady of Fatima, icons, and prayer cards. Plus, we both have rosaries, and I even have a lovely rosary bracelet.  

  4. you can express it by showing others how much you care you your savior. telling people why is so important to you. read them your favorite bible versem an option is pslams 23. the reason i do that is because god is really important to me. i would do anything for him.  

  5. I prefer to express my Christian faith by a life of pacifism, tolerance, kindness and service. However, in terms of material objects, I do wear crosses, saints' medals, and crucifixes, and have worn them since I was a baby. There are pictures of me as an infant wearing a crucifix, a gift from my mother. The crucifix is very important to me as a symbol of my faith, because it reminds me of the sacrifice of Christ. I also keep a rosary and a chaplet in my car.

  6. I wear a cross (2) around my neck and have a fish on my car.  My children each gave me a cross for Christmas and my daughter gave me a fish for my car.  I like to wear my cross because I know that my personality reflects the love of Jesus.  Also, I am a good driver.

  7. Well that is really a personal choice, I myself am a devout Christian, but I wear no jewelry or attach emblems or stickers to my car.  But I approach the world as a Christian loudly and proudly.

    But usually people by these things out of support for a church on Gods Ministry.  People express there faith a lot of ways.  This is just one of them.

  8. I have a rosary hanging above my bead, because I like to think of it as a dream catcher. I wear a crucifix around my neck to remind me that I am unworthy of Gods love but he gives it anyway.  

  9. I personally don't believe in idols or symbols... After all, one thing God didn't want was for us to have to use an idol to remember him.

    I express my Christianity in the deeds I do everyday... Helping where I can, giving when I am able and walking away when I need to.

    I don't go bible thumping because I know not everybody thinks like I do, but I will engage in intelligent conversation if it comes up.

  10. Love

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