
How do you express your patriotism

by Guest44773  |  earlier

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I'm not american. I like my country, but not until the point to be a patriot.

So, I wonder what some of you are doing to express this feeling and what comes into your mind when it's about to think to your loved country.

Sorry if my english is not so nice.

Thanks ;-)




  1. I vote, pay atteniton to the news, im involved in my city hall, I do what I can to fight for what I think is right in this country... being a patriot isnt about flying a flag or singing at anthem its about making sure your country is running how it should be and making sure it stands for what it is suppose to stand for and not letting crocked politians destroy the dreams we had for this country!

  2. I am moving from the USA to Australia. I don't claim any one place as my own.  

  3. Questioning answers.  Researching facts before I express an opinion on a vital issue.  Speaking out, not shouting but rationally, with the understanding that others may have a different opinion.

    There are too many shrill people from various political viewpoints who do nothing more than yell and believe that is patriotic.  There are too many people who spend more time on Fantasy Football than on understanding the candidates and their choices.

    The power of government ultimately resides in the people, and thier consent to be governed.  But it must be kept in mind that with this great power comes great responsibility.  

  4. My wife and I fly the American flag outside our home 365 days a year!

  5. I have a flag outside my house 24/7. The men & women of the military come to mind alot-they sacrafice there own freedom for ours.    

  6. My patriotism doesn't exist in this present situation and government, so for a long time, I haven't done anything...except now my patriotism does exist, and exists in the future, so I express it by signing up to vote, knocking door to door to campaign, and encouraging my friends to vote (preferably for Barack! But voting in general is still so important.)

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