
How do you face the world knowing your only hope lies within delusions?

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How do you face the world knowing your only hope lies within delusions?




  1. Negativity, paranoia or delusion are all equally reprehensible ..

    I subsist .. I have little .. At least let me dream ...

  2. I'm pretty stubborn and optimistic and 'hope' it'll change.

    If not... I'll try hoping for something else! ; )

  3. All of us face the world with a certain amount of delusions. If we didn't, our sanity would vaporize like a sparrow f**t in a hurricane. Yet...our delusions are strangely based upon the realness of life itself. I find that weeding out the harmful delusions - and keeping the delusions that make me warm and fuzzy all over usually keeps me going from day to day. Good luck my friend. Life is certainly worth the trouble. Peace to you and those that love you.

  4. I just do it, face the world that is.

    Also becasue we don't know any other way.

    Other words to add would be....preconceptions, allusions,

    nature, nuture, denial, brain chemistry, cell memory from past generations, assumptions, fears of thruth and insanity.

    So on and so on

  5. I recommend beer.

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