
How do you face your fear?

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This may seem a little dumb, but im afraid of heights! I am going to six flags soon with a friend and she is telling me she is going on the Kingda Ka! It is the fastest, tallest roller coaster in the world! It even said on it. It is 456 feet high and it shoots you at 157 mph straight up, then straight down. It is really freaky. But my friend will see me as a wimp! what do i do?




  1. Okay, before I went on the ride I felt the same way. I also went with a friend, and to me it seemed much easier. Once you get on the ride you will not want to chicken out because you do not want to embarrass yourself in front of your friend. Also once the ride begins count to 5 then you will be on the first hill. You will drop and then feel relief. Since the first hill is the biggest all of the others will seem like a piece of cake. Well, that's how I faced my fear.

  2. Don't eat anything before going on it! lol, like people have suggested, slose your eyes. Good luck. You will probably have fun too!

  3. I wouldn't bother about being a wimp hun, who care what she thinks just do what you like. If you do want to go on it you'll just have to do it there's no other way.

  4. aaah i don't know, girlie.

    i'm a total chicken when it comes to rides of any kind.

    i got sick on the bumpy car thingies, even. hahaha

    rollercoasters are supposed to give you some sort of adrenaline rush, but i would probably throw up on peoples' heads below rather than enjoy the ride.

    just don't go if you're scared, you don't need to prove yourself or anything. xD

    have fun, be safe! :P

    x apple.

  5. yep i have looked at kingda ka, and i know i sound like a wuss but the video scared me, what i do when ever i am scared of a ride i simply think of a happy place, cross your fingers and just go on it, at first you'll think WHAT THE F*CK WAS I THINKING then you'll think, I'm gonna die, then you'll scream your head off and then there are two possibility's

    a. you will think that was sooooo fun

    or b. you will cry yourself insane and hate the ride(only happened to me once)

    That's just some tips but then again males tend to be a bit more, insane and more willing to kill themselves(due to a survival adaptation that our ancestors had when they had to hunt wholly mammoths etc.)

    oh and yeah one thing don't let the psychological effect get to you, you sit there about to launch for 40 seconds of B.S.

  6. What's the worst that can happen?

    Thousands of people have gone on that ride before you; you'll survive, don't worry.

    Since it's so fast, it goes by extremely quick.

    Your vision is practically blurred, so you might not even get the total view of how high up you are.

    Since this is a safe thing, peer pressure is good lol.

    Plan to go with a bunch of friends who all want to go. This way, you really won't be able to say no.

  7. just do it. and all before it just keep saying how exited you are and teeling your self you are exited to do it!!! when it comes to do it you won't be affraid!!!

  8. Well at Cedar Point they have a roller coaster similar called the top thrill dragster  and its about the same size i think it may be a foot taller but just go on it hang on tight and close your eyes

  9. if your friend cant see past that you dont like it, they really are a bad friend. its like telling her to get a tattoo if she dosent like needles, and then calling her a wimp. some people are affraid of heights! tell her to go fly a kite if shes calling you a wimp

  10. If you really want to overcome the fear then think of happy thoughts however I would suggest you tell your friend your afraid. It doesn't make you a wimp it makes you strong to even think about trying to overcome it. Kudos for that, fears are nasty things many people do not understand

  11. Think of a thing u like most or the best moment of ur life it will help for sure.

  12. Ok, well to tell u the truth, I'm afraid of hieghts to. I would just tell her, "I'm sorry but I think I'll go on a different one." She'll most likely say "ok, but it's fun!".  And if she happens to call u a wimp, then say, " Well u r crazy for going ON it!". =) (I'm going to Walt Disney World soon and it does feel good to conquer something)

  13. i was really scared to go on this one ride at valleyfair.

    my aunt was just begging me and i was like no i will just watch.

    well, she dragged me on and i was just dreading it.

    i was pretty much crying when it was slowly going up.

    it was the power tower where it drops you down.

    andd, when we started dropping down fast i just closed my eyes.

    it tickled my stomach really bad.

    i really liked it and it turns out thats my favorite ride now :)

    yess you should just do it and if you don't like it you don't need to go on it again.

    -hope i helped! thanks!

  14. it's not dumb.i'm afraid of heights myself.try it, who knows maybe you'll overcome your fear after that

  15. I HATE heights as well. Roller coasters are a little different. My mind doesn't say "YOU'RE TOO HIGH", it's like being on an airplane. Besides, it goes up and down so fast, you don't realize the height.

    NOW, when I've gone on those rides that takes you straight up and then drops, that's different. I hate it!!! Avoid that one and you should be ok:D

    Have fun!

  16. when you are at the bottom of the ride enjoy it but when you get to the top simply close your eyes ! That what I do (Im scared of heights too)

  17. O.K. i did something similar to that

    I went on Rocking Roller Coaster At MGM disney && I didn't know it went from 0 mph to 90 mph in less than 2 seconds.But AFTER we got in line && got the fast passes I was told that. I HAD to ride it after that soo yeah. I  got over ALL my roller coaster fears after that && riding a ride that went that slow (Which to me seemed fast at the time) made me want to ride bigger faster && higher roller coasters!!!

    Hope this helps


  18. One time I was soooo afraid of heights, but I had to get on a plane to go to El Paso.  I was sooo scared but I got through it. I guess what I'm trying to tell you is the easiest way to face your fears is to challenge them by doing it anyway.

  19. If you are scared of heights there is not a lot.  No good giving yourself a heart attack so tell her straight that it is not your scene and I bet there is something she is petrified of (? spiders maybe).  So you are not a wimp there are millions of us with phobias of one kind or another.

  20. Head on  ( and with someone who I like and won't harass me about the fear in the first place).

  21. i would do it anyway it wont fall. i used to be afraid of heights until i rode my first rollarcoaster now i love them

  22. Just be yourself because i experienced that before and i just told them that im scared of hights and i dont want to go so that all you really have to do but if you want to go just go for it.

  23. close ur eyes..

  24. Stand your ground and stay on the ground, girl!

    Who cares what anybody else thinks.

  25. OMG I feel so sorry for you. I am scared of heights and even if I got payed a million pounds I wouldn't go on that. You are a brave girl if you go on it! Just do it and don't look back! Once you have done it, you will remember that short few seconds on the ride dfor the rest of your life and you can just brag to everyone that you went on it lol!

  26. I faced my fear too. I was going to go on my first roller coaster, and I was terrified of heights,\. While we were waiting in line, they brought this girl out whose head was bleeding badly. I FREAKED OUT! But, she was standing up during the ride and fell and hit her head. I went on the ride and now LOVE roller coasters.

    My advice is just weigh the factors. Millions of people ride every day. How many of them actually get hurt? Not that many. The chances of you getting hurt are seriously very very microscopic. I say go for it and enjoy!

  27. it may sound weird but when im scared i give the finger to wat im scared at and scream words only a drunk irishman will say!!it demeans your fear and makes you seem bigger then it,,,,,and it also gives you that adrenaline rush( similar to playing sports) that makes you stupidly brave!!

  28. i just got on one one day and loved it

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