
How do you fall asleep before school?

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how do you fall asleep the night right before school starts. on the first day of school.




  1. Um.. u don't sleep the nite before.

  2. eh. going to the next grade at the same school normally doesn't keep me up the night before it actually happens. seeing that i'm finally going to highschool as a freshman - YEESSS!!! jesus, i'll probably stay up all night tonight stressing about what it's going to be like the next morning. i'll probably just end up sleeping in class due to me being so stressed the night before....i'm freaking out just thinking

  3. Put your head on the pillow. Close your eyes. Sleep.

  4. This ALWAYS happens to me the night before i go back to school.

    The only thing that i usually do it get up REALLY early the day before, at like 6 in the morning, and go out walking all the day or something? so I'm absolutely knackered before i go to bed. Then you just drift off and you wake up in the morning fine.

    Or you could use Nytol Herbal, they are really good, they are just herbs, and i used them the night before my sats, i just drifted right off. GREAT!. But!. NEVER worry when your trying to go to sleep, it just makes you awake longer.

    Hope this helps (:

  5. relax your mind ,

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