
How do you fall asleep faster?

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I have trouble falling asleep right away. So when i'm actually asleep i end up fallling asleep at 10:00 or 12:00 . how do you fall asleep faster. i already tried counting and it doesn't work for me. help please




  1. Turn the lights low an hour before bed.

    Dont eat right before bed.

    Have a calming shower or bath before bed.

    Read a book instead of watching tv before bed.

    Try putting yourself to be 1/2 hour later than usual.

    Lastly, try sleeping pills.

  2. You can also try  to tense up each part of the body and release.

    so start with the feet, curl the toes, then move up to knees, pull up kneecaps. Then go on to hands stretch hands arms and toro. then go onto face and s***w up all the muscles in the face and release. Finally try and tense all the muscles in your body.Hold for 30sec+ Then release all the body.  

    Another great way to relax and fall asleep - try counting each out-breath until you get to say 100.The out breath is the relaxing breath and this seems to work for lots of my yoga students.

    Good luck.

  3. If the above suggestions don't help:

    You could try being "The Master of your Domain"

    It works surprisingly well.

  4. count the flowers in an imaginative garden or count the sheep or even count until 100.

  5. counting is a good way of falling asleep.but its sad that it did not work.

    try waking up early in the morning then you might feel sleepy at night.

  6. Here are a few tricks that help me sometimes:

    Don't eat or drink anything other than water for a couple hours before you go to bed. Food and drinks can make you more energetic.

    Light lavender/vanilla candles a couple hours before bed. Lavender and vanilla are relaxing scents and can make you sleepy.

    Start dimming the lights about two hours before you go to bed.

    Read a good book or do something you enjoy for a while before you try to go to bed. Avoid cleaning or working on anything for a couple hours before going to bed. That way your mind has something to focus on that is more relaxing and less pressing.

    Try not to have very much light. Actually, as little as possible. If you have a digital alarm clock, try using one with red lighting. Red isn't as harsh of a light.

    Try taking a hot bath with the lights dimmed. Maybe even using some scented candles.

    Don't exercise close to time for bed. It gets your adrenaline up and your blood pumping faster which can cause you to stay awake.

    Don't watch TV as you are trying to fall asleep. Instead, try listening to soft music. (I listen to classical even though I never listen to it any other time)

    I really hope I helped you. I know how annoying it is not to be able to fall asleep. Good luck!!  

  7. I get some of this stuff called sleep mist its supposed to help you go to sleep you just spray it on your pillow

    Also don't drink tea or coffee near the time you go to bed.

    Or get a new pillow

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