
How do you fall asleep when you are so stressed out about things?

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I am having some issues with falling to sleep. I can't seem to get the stuff that is going on off my mind so I end up not sleeping. I am dealing with the issues as best I can right now but I am being shut out from the sources of the issues...therefore there is not much resolve right now.




  1. The best way is to distract your mind by concentrating on something else.  You can do a body inventory, which is concentrating on each muscle from the toes and fingertips in and relaxing each muscle.  Or you can do imagery, like concentrating on feeling like you are floating on a cloud.  Or you can use a fantasy situation and concentrate on how it would work.  Like I imagine I'm stranded on an island and imagine how I would build a shelter, get food, etc.  Any time you feel your worries begin to intrude, go back to the image you are using.  You can also try some yoga or meditation before bedtime.  All these things can help.  You just have to determine which one works best for you.  Good luck!

  2. An idea would be to, just before you close your eyes to sleep, jot down all the things that's floating around in your head unsolved in a notepad or something. You can say to yourself, "I'm going to let it rest, just for now." It's sort of like putting all your worries and issues aside for a bit, a little burden off your shoulders and dealing with them the next day. I hope this helps, I understand it can be a real pain sometimes, but sleep deprivation is no answer.

    Good luck.  

  3. few months back , I was also in the same situation .people said me to  meditate they said it was da best way ,but a person who is so stressed can never meditate because if he can  meditate then he will meditation is not the best way,but i think the best way is to pick up a book related to any of your subjects,this will be the best way u try.

  4. there is a tea that i buy from the grocery store. It is located with the other teas but you will know which one it is because, i think it has a moon on it or there is one with a teddy bear in pajamas. I'm sorry i don't remember what it is called. You can make some of that with honey. It is all natural but it will help you relax and fall asleep.

  5. umm knock yourself out?

  6. I take Xanax. Maybe you should go to  your doctor and see if he will prescribe something for you.

  7. Medications are not the best answer as they can be quite addictive - especially the ones used for sleep. The doctor will probably not prescribe it too willingly either.

    Some things to try are as stated, breathing slowly and drinking warm milk.

    Some other ideas include a set routine of going to bed, not doing anything too stimulatory beforehand and just have a "wind-down period". A warm shower may also help just before you hop into bed.. and don't use the bed for things like reading, work, etc.

    If the thoughts are bothering you in bed, there is a way that goes like so:

    Try imagine yourself in a tranquil forest with animal noises around you. You approach a staircase that leads down and you step down into it. There is no light and as you go further in... the light behind you fades. The deeper you go, the darker it gets... slowly stepping one step at a time with the darkness engulfing you.

    It does take a bit of time to master as I understand the thoughts just barge their own way in. But you need to tell yourself that thinking about them at that point in time won't help you resolve anything, and put you in a worse position the next day.

    My own way is to imagine a black hole... small at first... and spinning slowly.... and this hole gets bigger and bigger. Any thoughts that come into my mind gets sucked into the black hole as I know that thinking about them now won't help... it can wait till tomorrow.

    You can also jot down anything desperately important that you're afraid you'll forget... but that aside... the visualisation of darkness is generally the key.

    Again - it's not easy and it will take at least a few days and more to master, but it's well worth a try. Just try to see your thoughts and imagine them being sucked away into the darkness =)

    If these don't help after about two weeks... then maybe consider going to a regular doctor as they will know you better and be more willing to prescribe these medications as they'll know you won't abuse them.

    Good luck

  8. take ambien

  9. Don't.  What's wrong with not falling asleep?  If that's what your body does, that's what your body does.

    Anyway, what I've found beneficial for getting sleep is to take a long, very hot bath at night.  The hotter, the better.  I used to be a fairly chronic insomniac, but when I got into a habit of this, that problem completely disappeared.  Plus I was fresh and clean at night.

    I don't know your lifestyle, but some people don't wind down before going to bed and that's a problem.  You can't just watch 5 hours of TV then go straight to bed.  Stop watching TV at least 2 hours before going to bed.  Don't drink pop or caffeinated drinks.  Have hot herbal tea or even warmed up milk.  Read a relaxing book, perhaps something spiritual.

  10. Write them down on a piece of paper so you can deal with them TOMORROW and pop them under the mattress.  Remind yourself that they can wait, you are a most valued person and loved and deserve to rest now.  

    Drink ovaltine with milk.

    Now choose a star in the night sky and say these words while staring at it:

    "Wondrous beautiful lonely star,

      tonight you guide me from afar,

      until the light of perfect day,

      I'll be content to rest my way,

      under your lovely yet distant ray,

      for all my troubles I put just as far away"

    Sweet dreams  zzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz

  11. MEE TOOO!!!

    aww.. im stressed about school, and im so tired!

    at least try!?

  12. Try doing some deep breathing exercises before you lay down. You can also try drinking some warm milk to help you fall asleep. Good luck

  13. Write everything down in a journal or something. It helps you let things off your mind and will also make you sleepy :)

  14. With you being a bartender, you should know that having a drink may settle you down before sleeping.

    If you want to go the natural route without drugs, try running or some other strenuous physical activity.

  15. Believe me, I am the worst person at dealing with stress. I scared the h**l outta from things that won't even affect me for another 20 years.

    Me? I just close my eyes and drift off. and by drift off I mean think about other things like II go from not doing homework -> friends not doing homework -> friends -> that girl who is my friend -> etc until you're bored outta your mind.


  16. I think the thing to do is try not to worry about it - easier said than done, I know, but I used to have insomnia and always managed to get through the next day even if I felt tired. Honestly, being anxious about it will only make you feel more tense.

    Personally, reading helps me drift off. I wouldn't recommend drugs as you may be making problems for the future and most of them give a hangover anyway. As long as you are resting your body will be recuperating to some degree.  

  17. There isn't a real solution to your problem until you can deal with them.  In the meantime you can either try some relaxation techniques, ask your pharmacist if there is anything over the counter that is safe for you to take that can help you with sleep.  Also know that problems don't last forever. This is just a hurdle that you will overcome eventually but until then you need help in sleep so if you can take something mild to help you until then by all means do so.

  18. i use hypnosis.

  19. hi,

    ur problem is that u are paying much attention to the work rather than ur self. just dont think about anything which u want to do or the things u are doing. look after urself. see and feel the effect

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