
How do you fall out of love?

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I'm in love with a good friend of mine. She knows I like her alot, but not that I love her... we even dated a few months before she had to move. She's the one for me, but when I express my feelings towards her she doesn't comment one way or the other. When she left it was that she wished she had time for me but doesnt after moving. My feelings are getting stronger and stronger. how do I fall out of love since even though I think she's the one for me... my situation feels helpless?




  1. Move on find other ways to occupy yourself. Go to the gym and hang out with friends. Do not call her. Do everything except talk to her and then maybe you will get over her. How do you love someone that doesn't give you attention. If she was really the one for you then both of you would be into each other. Think about it if you two got married she would never want anything to do with you. She is not the one for just like her a lot and you are telling yourself that she is the one for you.

  2. The only way is to....."stay busy".  Work, hobbies, whatever....anything to keep your mind occupied until time  lessens the feelings.

  3. Next time you see her, get a good, long look at her nosehairs.

    After that, when you start to think about her, think only about that.

  4. Love? u can't fall out of it esp if its true. Only time can heal ur heart

  5. your feelings are getting stronger because of the fact she doesn't show the same feelings you do and because she moved. You know you can't have her and like human nature, we want especially  what we can have. But the way you fall out of love is time. I'm not gonna tell you to go crazy looking for someone else either. It doesn' t work that way cause love just happens when you don't try. So just try not to think of her and give it time and during that time, i can assure you, you will find someone else involuntarily. =)  

  6. you dont you cimb..and its a steep hill  

  7. Best advice i can give you is to give your self something to do to take your mind off of her. Talk to new girls, make your self busy and available for future romances. No sense in thinking about the past, you only live once and theres not enough time to sobb over a old love. good luck.,

  8. 007 #2 Said it best.....It's a steeeep hill, and It's really hard! But you'll do it ! :)

  9. I like to drill into my head that f I am not willing to die for the person, the feelings are not/were never really strong. Also, if I have other guys in mind while I think I like someone and then I end up rejected, I remind myself that I had otehr crushes.

    In other words, I tell myself that I didn't care that much whether  I did or did not. Eventually, I believe myself enough to really move on.

    It is a method that many do not approve.  

  10. Okay, take a deep breath....

    Now you need to be completely honest with her and tell her that you are really into her but can only keep ties with her if she has feelings above friendship for you.  If not you need to cut all contact with her.  The reason for this is really simple although hard, not having ties with her will allow you to start new relationship and get into a new social setting.  you need to place yourself in a healthy situation in order to feel good about yourself and situate your feelings.  

    If you find out she is just sparing your feelings let her know this will only do her more harm in the future.  The best thing to do is go separate ways and wish eachother well.  I feel that if she felt the same for you you would know buy now.    

  11. there's not such thing as intentionally falling out of love.. you're just going to have to move on.

  12. You just feel it happen, same as falling in love.

  13. i wish i knew, but i am in the same situation and haven't figured it out yet.  for now, just flirt like heck to take your mind off her.

  14. that's a hard question if she don't feel the way you do about her then understand it wont get any further and it will only hurt you later on, dont chase after someone that dont want you, it's a waste of time, the right one will be there for you in time im sorry about your situation you will find someone in time, someone that will care as deeply as you do.

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