
How do you feel abou this? "Childless couples paid up to $20,000 for the babies, depending on their race"

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  1. The sad thing is if you read the article the birthmothers seemed to be okay with it also.  They took the 700 and then lived in complex and took medical care.  

    Why they did not go to an adoption agency is unknown, unless the couples buying the babies were passing them as their own.

  2. At least it was broken up...Too bad there is always someone willing to take over where these "Doctor's left off!

  3. Sounds to me like the only difference between this article, and typical American adoption practices is that the bloodsucking intermediaries didn't call themselves an "agency", and the money given to the first mother wasn't specifically for rent or medical bills.  Anyone outraged by this ought to stop for just a second and think about the way adoption is practiced in America.

  4. We are kidding ourselves if we think this only happens in international or developing countries.  It happens, and it is deplorable.

    Paying more for one race or another, happens all the time.  Look at adopting from Russia or from China.  Much higher fees in Russia, due to white babies.

    Just sickening really.  I adopted my three children not a penny paid.  My kids were literally waiting for parents to adopt them, not on the market to be sold.  I will now take $20,000 and put it towards my children's future.

  5. **sighing**

    My heart goes out to these children and their families...

    What is wrong with people?!? I feel sick...

    Gaia & Sam - Thank you for seeing it for what it is!

  6. disgusting....that 20,000 in their country adds up to 6,200 in ours....not that the amount is still selling a child.

    Glad they busted these people...but there are thousands more to *fill in the gaps*.

    EDIT: To MIKI: The women were thinking of having an abortion...not having an abortion. The women could have used 20,000 to get therapy, counseling, parenting courses, a savings, a home, food, clothing, services, etc. The best home would be with their parent. Buying a baby is not, IMHO, a good qualification for parenthood. Causing lifelong issues for the child and the first mother just b/c you want a baby is NOT good parenting. There are millions of perfectly wonderful children in orphanages and foster care around the world....there is no reason that 'childless couples' should have to buy a baby. But the important thing is that the money used to purchase that baby alone could have prevented many of those first moms from ever feeling the need to abort.

  7. my feelings are that we live in a world where the poor will always be exploited for their "benefits" they can provide to the affluent class...

    i often wondered why we never hear about this c**p happening  in areas like anaheim, ca or beverly hills, ca?  because those girls can get $217 (the american equivalent to their currency)  from the loose coins in the couch.

    it's economic exploitation... nothing more. nothing less. the abortion argument is simply a red-herring.

  8. It is sad someone made it a business and the birth mother got the short end of the stick.  Private adoption in the USA routinely has the adoptive parents paying the birth mother's health expenses and sometimes a stipend on top of that.  On the flip side of the issue, that is one baby in a home where they are wanted as opposed to just being aborted.  Birth mothers should be educated on their options and allowed to work directly with the prospective adoptive parents.

  9. It's sick but then it's happening here in the US all the time. The adoption agencies pay for amost everything except the births the tax payer gets that bill(through medicaid) Some brith mothers even get their rent payed and then you call it adoption . I beleive that adoptions started when the systems couldn't handle all the foster children, now everyone doesn't care about them it's the new born babies they want. If all the childless couples just wanted to love and help a child then we wouldn't have  all these poor children in foster care that has to live in sysytem that at the age of 18 or high school is over kicked out to make room for more. What's the difference?

  10. Well, I don't think babies should be purchased at any price.  Didn't they call that slavery, or bondage in the years past????  The ony thing a baby should "cost" is whatever medical expenses and legal fees that are required.  I think it's a horrible thing to "buy" babies, period.

  11. i don't like the idea of baby selling.

    however after reading the story, i think that as long as they were given to good homes then thats okay.  

    the mothers  were going to have an abortion anyway.  these baby brokers are greedy but they saved the childrens life.  that is important.  LIFE

    EDIT:  i never said that having the money was proof that the baby is taken care of.  i said that as long as they are going to good homes then its fine.  we really can't say if they are in fact going to safe, loving homes.

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